Petition for AC:NH game save backup

The people saying it?s ?not a big deal?, stop continuously saying it?s ?not a big deal? as this forum was literally made for anyone who wants to sign the petition as it?s a big deal for them. No one asked for you to comment that, so if you disagree, fine, just leave the forum and move on to the next. Is that a ?big deal?? Everyone keeps saying it, like holy, I understand the first comment, everyone gets it already. Multiple people do not need to comment that. Pensenaute literally wrote this out in the nicest way possible. The?re trying to let everyone know that?s there?s petition if we want to get involved and get Nintendo to fix this issue (which is a problem for a lot of people). If you don?t want to sign the petition, just go in peace and no problems have to be made. You saying it?s ?not a big deal? won?t change anyone else?s mind about doing so. It?s not a big deal for you, it?s a big deal for them. People have different opinions and you should respect it rather than saying that.

Hi, thank you for trying to support / defend us ahah. For sure we had a lot of backlash trying to share this petition. And mostly we discovered that we wanted people to be aware of the issue, since lot of people seemed to not understand at all how save data works for the switch. So at the end it's not a big problem to us if some people don't want to sign it, we all have different opinions indeed, we just want them to understand how things work so from there they can make a decision to sign it or not!
Signed. I can't be bothered to read the whole thread, but for me it's absolutely ridiculous that stopping cheaters in a non-competitive game is more important than giving normal players peace of mind, which afaik is going to be the majority of the players.
I would really like this to happen, so I've signed as well. I honestly think that cheating wouldn't be as big of a problem as Nintendo thinks if they enable cloud saving. Other consoles and services like Xbox Live and PSN+ also do cloud saves, and cheating doesn't seem to be a problem there, and when it is, it doesn't involve exploiting cloud saves. All I ask is that as a community we should be respectful of Nintendo's decisions, mainly because I am so tired of seeing gaming communities being split for trivial reasons like "No National Dex" in Pokemon Sword and Shield, which I'm also pretty excited for. But I'll stop there since I could ramble on about that for a while...

but for me it's absolutely ridiculous that stopping cheaters in a non-competitive game is more important than giving normal players peace of mind,

This. In games like Splatoon and Maybe even Pokemon it is understandable but for a non-competitive game like this, who really cares if someone cheats or not? Personally, I think it takes away the fun, but to each their own I guess, as long as they don't hurt someone else.

Make a petition to kill autosave and I'll sign that.

What do you have against autosave? I think that it is a great idea. Sure, it means no more save scumming but you would always get the wrath of Mr. Resetti if you did that anyway. But why would you want... wait a minute, you ARE Mr. Resetti! No wonder you hate autosave, it took your job. Best of luck to you and finding a new job, I'm rooting for you.
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Edit: Sorry for double posting. Would delete this post if I could but the first one didn't go through right away. I merged this post with the first one to avoid confusion.
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Hi! Thanks so much for posting! I sure mind my backup more than I do cheaters, but maybe Nintendo wants to avoid DLC item duplication or something like that? something that some people pay for and others don't?

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Thanks for signing! It's kind of crazy considering how many hours we put into AC and how much we get attached to the town and villagers. It would be hours of our lives just gone and for nothing :/

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Thanks for this! I mean, we know we're not trying to cure illnesses or something like that, but it's people's time we're talking about, it's their time and lives put into a game with no safeguard at all...
i hope you can get all the signatures on this! even if it means nothing, maybe nintendo will see it. we basically know for a fact that they're listening to fans so it's a strong possibility that they'll hear you!

good luck!
My big concern is that Nintendo seems to be overtly stubborn on how the online services are set up. They acknowledge lack of sales and everyone was all "This is what we want" and instead of listening to thousands of voices they instead were all "$20 off $120 worth of 1st and 2nd party games. Now you all have a reason to subscribe to our service!"

I sincerely hope we get our wishes through this petition, but I'm also worried that they'll disregard our reasoning for requesting the decision be reversed. Either way, I'd sign this several times over if each of my individual signatures would count.
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I sincerely hope we get our wishes through this petition

Not to be a downer but 2500 signatures is such a small number that I doubt it would be significant enough for Nintendo to notice. You guys need to get this out on other platforms too like reddit or twitter.
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You guys need to get this out on other platforms too like reddit or twitter.

That’s a really good point, I second this! I’m sure there’s many more people out there that feel similar and would support the petition! It’s great that Justin wrote and article about it on ACW.
I just went ahead and signed the petition even though I won't be getting the online service for a while. It's not going to benefit me but definitely will to others if the petition does go through. I totally agree that no matter how cautious you are with your switch, there's always a chance it will just break on you and lose all of the precious work on it. Plus, save data works differently on the switch as it saves to the system itself and not the cartridge. But it's important to see both sides though as to why and why we shouldn't have cloud saves. On one hand, it's because of course, people hacking their saves and that the majority of us survived without a misfortune. On the other side, it's what I said at the beginning of this post.
What do you have against autosave? I think that it is a great idea. Sure, it means no more save scumming but you would always get the wrath of Mr. Resetti if you did that anyway. But why would you want... wait a minute, you ARE Mr. Resetti! No wonder you hate autosave, it took your job. Best of luck to you and finding a new job, I'm rooting for you.

Read my replies in the topic about that feature.

Many people don't like it, it's a personal choice and I don't understand the acidity in your reply. There wasn't a need for it.
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Signed! This feels like the same level of annoyance Pokemon fans are going through right now with the removal of the national dex. While they won't budge with their decision, I have hope that the team working on ACNH will see all this and take it into consideration
Thanks so much for signing! I feel like there's more in stakes in our case, but we at least have a chance they'll make a compromise.

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Hi! We're already there, my friend :D facebook, twitter, reddit, instagram, youtube, scratch and the forum! It's not easy to collect signatures this early before the game, but we're trying to get a head start when more interviews come out and the announce the lack of cloud saves again. You can find us on twitter at @backupforACNH and on instagram at acnhbackup!

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Justin did us a big favor when we had very few signatures :D we're already on facebook, twitter, reddit, instagram, youtube, scratch and the forum! If you'd like to check us out, you can do so on twitter at @backupforACNH and on instagram at acnhbackup! <3
Calm down plz it's not even a big deal

It's easy to say that until you've spent 500+ hours on your save, then wake up one morning to "Game data is corrupted or missing." and there's nothing you can do about it besides start again. Issues on data loss & corruption are always someone elses problem, until they're not.
Not to be a downer but 2500 signatures is such a small number that I doubt it would be significant enough for Nintendo to notice. You guys need to get this out on other platforms too like reddit or twitter.

Very true. I don't have reddit nor Twitter myself, but I would definitely suggest all who do share it around there.
Very true. I don't have reddit nor Twitter myself, but I would definitely suggest all who do share it around there.

its been spread around twitter and instagram somewhat! I've seen it places... it just needs to gain traction!
Read my replies in the topic about that feature.

Many people don't like it, it's a personal choice and I don't understand the acidity in your reply. There wasn't a need for it.

Acidity? It was just a joke, but I'm sorry if I offended you. I completely understand why some people may not be fans of autosaving, but for me personally, it offers peace of mind in case something would happen as the game crashing or just accidentally turning the system off (which I have done before, believe it or not). Again, I'm genuinely sorry if I offended you, sometimes my humor can be a bit... blunt.
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Signed and shared out a bit ago. Really hoping they change their minds with this, especially with autosave being a thing.