Oh okay thanks. I just checked and I have 30k blocks on my xl so Im fine.
Whats with the cartridge thing? Whats different with the ones theyre using with NL or am I making things up
I like the idea of a digital copy but primarily because I'm a collector. Also, I don't like the idea of my game potentially getting deleted/corrupted and, despite the fact that Nintendo keeps tabs our purchases, I'd rather avoid any system that requires paying for downloads over 20$ but that's just because I don't like technology in general.
Physical copies can become corrupted as well.
I'll still be buying a physical and be downloading it digitally.
I'm wondering. If you get a physical copy, does all the data save to the cartridge, or the 3DS? If it saves to the cartridge, can you put it in other 3DS systems and it will load the same town and everything?
Also, if it saves to the cartridge, can you send the data to save in your 3DS/SD card? I don't like the idea of my town saving to an exterior cartridge. I'd rather it save to my 3DS/SD Card.
Someone else might to have to answer that one, but something I remember with City folk was that when I went to my cousin's house and I put my copy of ACCF in it, it loaded her town, not mine, since it was her wii. So I wonder if that's the same problem on the 3DS this time...