Pineapple on Pizza??

do you like pineapple on pizza?

  • UH, YES!!

    Votes: 136 42.9%
  • EEW, NO!!

    Votes: 121 38.2%
  • I don't care / haven't tried it

    Votes: 60 18.9%

  • Total voters
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hawaiian/any other kind of pizza with pineapple on it is profanation
if u like pineapple on pizza youre a hoe confirmed
I love pineapple on pizza I'm so shocked by these results because everyone I know loves it! It's the perfect mixture of salty and sweet :) Don't hate on it before you give it a real chance!
I never want anything other than plain pizza. However, I don't understand why people act so insulted at other people eating pineapple on their pizza? It may be some kind of joke, but honestly, if that's the case I can't really appreciate it as a joke. I think people are far too nosy about other people's eating habits. I have dealt with it all of my life and I wish people would just mind their own business.
Hmm some ppl are saying not to try it and saying try a little of it
I think i'll give it a try :p

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Of course not a big bite of it
Hmm some ppl are saying not to try it and saying try a little of it
I think i'll give it a try :p

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Of course not a big bite of it

My guy tries pineapple on pizza for the first time and suddenly disappears never to be seen again. RIP buddy, I always knew that pineapple was evil.
I just ate pineapple on pizza yesterday. it was delicious. you people are weak and will not survive the winter
I have changed my opinion on this recently after having a pineapple pizza that was actually pretty good. Before that, all the pineapple pizzas I had were cheap frozen pizzas and they did not taste very good. If you make it right though, they add some nice flavor.
Personally no, i hate pineapple. But if anyone wants it on their pizza then go right on ahead. Just keep it far away from my pizza and we're all good.
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