Pinehut Tour Book!


Senior Member
Oct 12, 2008
Welcome to Pinehut!

Native Fruit: Pear
Fruit in Town: Cherries, Peaches, Pears, Oranges, Coconuts (ALL!)
Museum: Working on catching fall/winter fish, not much else.
Nook's: Nookway

Timezone: Eastern
House Size: Second floor.
Roof Color: Black
Interior design: Random, kinda.
Town construction: I have my fourth bridge and a fountain.

Town rules: Don't steal, follow the rules, no vandalizing, and in order to even visit you must have signed the Gentleman's Agreement for Strict Constructionism.

Item want list: Nothing, right now.

DLC: Shamrock hat, red Pikmin, DSi Couch
How do you almost have the fish part done and less than half of the total fish in the game have came out yet?
Oh whoops...I mean well, it seems almost done.;..
I guess I mean almost done with the fall/winter fish or something....
I didn't realize there were more, I guess i'll revise that.
Thanks for the heads-up.

EDIT: Edited.
KingKombat, How did you put your town map in the town profile? I want to know so I can add my town map to mine.
BleuDraegen said:
KingKombat, How did you put your town map in the town profile? I want to know so I can add my town map to mine.
I cropped an image I took of my map in game.
KingKombat said:
BleuDraegen said:
KingKombat, How did you put your town map in the town profile? I want to know so I can add my town map to mine.
I cropped an image I took of my map in game.
What program did you use? And how exactly did you put it in the profile? Didyou cut and paste or something else?
BleuDraegen said:
KingKombat said:
BleuDraegen said:
KingKombat, How did you put your town map in the town profile? I want to know so I can add my town map to mine.
I cropped an image I took of my map in game.
What program did you use? And how exactly did you put it in the profile? Didyou cut and paste or something else?
Put the SD card in your computer, put the image in paint, crop it, save it, upload it to photobucket, put it on the forums. It's simple >_>
Jas0n said:
BleuDraegen said:
KingKombat said:
BleuDraegen said:
KingKombat, How did you put your town map in the town profile? I want to know so I can add my town map to mine.
I cropped an image I took of my map in game.
What program did you use? And how exactly did you put it in the profile? Didyou cut and paste or something else?
Put the SD card in your computer, put the image in paint, crop it, save it, upload it to photobucket, put it on the forums. It's simple >_>
Sorry I never used Photobucket before. I know what to do up to there. So after I upload it to photobucket then what do I do?
Ok I have put a map in my town profie. Thanks KingKombat and JasOn for the help. Btw if I delete the photobucket account will the image disappear from my town profile?
BleuDraegen said:
Ok I have put a map in my town profie. Thanks KingKombat for the help. Btw if I delete the photobucket account will the image disappear from my town profile?
Neat lol i love how there's just randomly 4 houses right beside each other XD