Pinehut Tour Book!

Your town is reeeally unique, I love it how theres like 4 hours lined up by eachother, mine has like 2 in like each corner and then in the middle, I like how you have liek an island in the bottom middle, really nice map.
Cammy said:
Your town is reeeally unique, I love it how theres like 4 hours lined up by eachother, mine has like 2 in like each corner and then in the middle, I like how you have liek an island in the bottom middle, really nice map.
Hehe thanks.
your town is very cool, i love the island, and the houses all lined up is so crazy cool :p
lol. I love how your houses are all in a neat little row on your beach.

And are the pictures from the SD card already jpgs?

I remember having to convert them for my Brawl screen caps