⋆ Pixori's RLCs ⋆

Oh, I was just wondering if you had a donate option! O:
Aaaa I really appreciate you being so kind! I opened one with the help of my wife! ; v ; The username is ‘/Aimidite’ on there! Thank you again, it was probably good for me to have one of these in the first place. 😭
Hi! I donated to your Ko-fi!
Aaaa omg thank you sososo much MrBox!! Is there anything I can do for you in return?? That's so much and you don't know what it means to us Q v Q Thank you
Aaaa omg thank you sososo much MrBox!! Is there anything I can do for you in return?? That's so much and you don't know what it means to us Q v Q Thank you
No worries ! You don't have to do anything for me! I know I could've commissioned you guys but I don't... want you guys.. to work. Please use the time you'd use to fulfill my commission to rest and de-stress!
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