Place your random thoughts.

i wish the original borderline by tame impala wasn’t taken off every streaming platform i miss it so much 💔
licorice & almond cookie please come home 😭
also yesterday was such a wildly lucky day, got raspberry + moon rabbit in crk and black cat moca in bandori?? i actually got the characters i wanted in a gacha game?? wow
I don't think that was a dumb question since I dunno your routines with that sort of thing but whatever *shrugs* 🙄
my friends should have never taught me that phrase but it's so situationally good that i cant stop laughing

also crk stop giving me dupes and give me good cookies pls i literally only have a handful of epics and the past 4 epics have all been dupes 😭 but whatever i guess promoted moon rabbit and tiger lily isnt too bad, gotta love my animal kids
Caught a house centipede in the bathroom. Let it outside. Why are those things so damn creepy??
oh god I just pictured this lmao. I think they're kinda fascinating but if I ever saw one in my house I would burn it down and start over 😆😆😆
(not really ofc but those legs are scary as s💩💩💩)

so while I was out and about earlier I stopped by dollar tree bc I thought I saw a pin cushion there, but then i couldnt find one. so instead i got a little minion plush to stick my stitching needles in. I think it's hilarious but Kevin is less than amused.
I love how I'm sending out 4-5IV Pokemon in the Wonder Trade and people are sending me Metapods LOL.

Edit: Just got a hacked shiny 6 IV Tyrunt holding a Master Ball right after posting this. I will probably just release it and take the Master Ball. Or release it with the Master Ball...
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Edit: Just got a hacked shiny 6 IV Tyrunt holding a Master Ball right after posting this. I will probably just release it and take the Master Ball. Or release it with the Master Ball...
6IVs though. lol

I've owned what I assume are a few Hackmons myself. They have these strange nicknames from their OT in the Surprise Trade: "" or something. All of them shiny. I wouldn't mind them if not for the fact that you can't change the nickname of traded Pokémon.

But yeah, those probably hackmons are the only nice returns I've got on Surprise Trade, which tells you enough about how reliable it is. That being said, it still feels nice to see one of these shiny high quality competitive-mons from my hard work sending mons out. Sure, they're automatically disqualified in real competitions, but I don't participate in real competitions, merely the Battle Tower and Max Raids.

Random Thought: Just received my McDonald's delivery, and the delivery guy (from Grab, our local food delivery service that hires part-time couriers) just left the food on the floor like it's some offering to the dead. I'm usually not superstitious about this stuff like most Chinese, but it's still bad manners to just leave my food there instead of handing it to me directly.
I had bunch of hackmons, this was back in 3ds/ds era and the latter with methods i shan't go into here. But yeah sure, gts/wt sure had a lot.
^keep both unless the hack ****s your game...

I would, but I'm trying to go mostly legit this time around. I say mostly because I do use the time travel glitch to rotate raids, EV train and stuff. I did decide to keep the Master Balls though. I did get multiple from trades. I ended up releasing the Pokemon.
Going to be taking another hiatus or semi-hiatus from this site at some point soon. I can't say when it will be or for how long it will be, but it'll probably be either this year or next year whenever Jhine7 passes me in post count. I no longer have much reason to be here still, and this is kind of long overdue for me. Just like I took a three year hiatus two years after NL had been out, I'll do the same for NH. New Horizons also isn't giving us any worthwhile updates, and I don't plan on resetting my island, so that's another reason to leave. Finally, I just need time to work on myself again and to prove to myself that I don't have to be active here. My overall activity has already declined since a year or two ago, and expect it to decline even further within the coming months. I'll set my user title to inactive whenever I leave so people know I'm not active anymore. As for how long it could be, it could end up being three years again, maybe even longer.

I decided I will continue to be active on this website. I’ve had enough time to think about things and realized that if I left for a long time again that’s fine, but if I ever came back then I would feel like I missed out on so much just like I did when I took my three year hiatus from 2015-2018. Now that I finally have access to my tablet, Switch, and 3DS again and there’s an actual update coming to ACNH soon, that’s more incentive to stay. I probably won’t be as active as before though, lol.
Tiring day. Like emotionally exhausting.

Hope the bad vibe blues will pass over the next few days.
Yeah... Don't use the Windows 10 Night Light mode during the day. I've been tired the last couple of days during work since I turned it on. As soon as I turned it off I've been feeling immediately more awake. I just thought it would be easier on my eyes but not worth feeling tired all day.
I... somehow just realized I can set my phone alarm to be any song I've purchased in the iTunes store instead of just one of the default tones. I'm tempted.
Yeah I discovered that on my new 'droid phone that I can put whatever downloaded files as alarm signals so I ripped old car horn from youtube since I really misses that "bop" from ios and it's the one honk that gets me up haha.
I wish Pokémon evolutions are made easier in the future. I mean, you've already made quite a few QoL improvements; don't stop now! I remember a conversation I had with some kind fellow on r/CasualPokemonTrades who helped me out with trade evolutions, and I mentioned this to him when he had to help me trade-evolve a dozen Pokémon or so. Man, that guy was generous and patient with me.
My boss is going to call me later to let me know if I need to come in to work today and I'm really hoping I don't have to 😬