Place your random thoughts.

I have to get up to turn on my Switch but my dog is laying on me. I do have my Pro Controller & TV remote nearby but for some reason when I hold down the home button on my controller it won't turn on. Maybe the mug in front of my dock is blocking the reception?

Also I just realized my Switch is in the kitchen. And I'm in my bedroom.
I'm debating on if I should change my name or buy a dark egg when people start selling them...
A good problem to have 🙃
Watching anime when I’m tired actually makes me more focused on the show itself. It’s weird because I get distracted more easily when I’m awake.
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I wasn't prepared for that ending.

I haven't cried at the movies for years, let alone cried that hard.
small rant:

i get so mad when i go to public or school bathrooms because the handle is always INSIDE to get out and you always have to push to get in. this is a major design flaw and i am disgusted because i just washed my hands and at least 50 people have touched that handle to get out and at least one of them probably didn’t even wash THEIR hands. public bathrooms should have handles to open the door from the outside and push to get out. this is maddening, who thought of this? i need to know because i need someone to blame.
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Facebook (and WhatsApp) is down! PEACE ON EARTH, BABY! lmao! No more social media for everybody! Haha!

And who says wishes never come true?
I was about to bring this up lmao, my mom was complaining abt it and asked me to get on and it didn't work for me either. i wish facebook would stay down 😆😆
Facebook (and WhatsApp) is down! PEACE ON EARTH, BABY! lmao! No more social media for everybody! Haha!

And who says wishes never come true?
Ugh, why can’t Facebook go down for good? I swear, it’s all mindless scrolling, but isn’t everything? :/
I wish I didn't had to become a people pleaser, because in the past I've always let people expect me to act and do things in ways that they think works for me, but deep down I knew that was a very toxic way of hurting my mental well being. Once I cut out the toxic people out of my life and surround myself with people who support for who I am it makes me feel better only in rare occasions.
In spite of not liking the small scale of AC: Pocket Camp, I actually have an appreciation for it over the years. I know I've probably said this before elsewhere in this forum, but I think it's a good game for beginners to AC; I got to know a lot of the villagers I came to like today because of Pocket Camp, particularly those I've bought my Amiibo cards for like Merry, Cheri and Beau. I have a feeling that their dialogues are far more limited in Pocket Camp than the main AC games, but they were enough for me to get to know them and their personality better, therefore letting me get a good idea of whom I want to buy an Amiibo card and invite onto my island. :)
i say this in the most heart-lighted, un-serious way possible, but i seriously can't see zhongli as attractive at all 😭 he looks like a thesis adviser who's nice in experiments but roasts the hell out of you during defense and puts 367587345 comments every thesis draft IDK THIS IS TOO SPECIFIC OF A DESCRIPTION im sorry zhongli fans i mean 0 harm
Yes, I know I have paranoia and insecurities, but I'm trying my best to keep it under control. It's usually easier to keep it under control in a friendly environment, but not always. Throw in a dose of anxiety disorder, and you get that chill crawling up the back of your neck whenever you read a comment and feel like they're talking about you.

My mum had such a paranoia too, so I guess it's hereditary.
Do I book off every Friday between now and Christmas, essentially using the last of my holiday days up before my Christmas holiday? 🤔
Some guy that used to live at this apartment before my dad, received a letter in the mail. The letter said “Urgent” and was addressed to current resident with no name actually listed. So my dad opens it. This dude has an unpaid electric bill of $865. I’m wondering how that’s even possible. I’ve never seen an electric bill that high. That’s crazy. 😰😨😣