Place your random thoughts.

why are folks on tiktok bothering a teacher doing teacher things
if a kid is on their phone in class too much, and the teacher takes it away for a short time, what's so unreasonable about that?
EXACTLY, people in my class do this to my english teacher. people look at their phones and after the teacher takes it they'll deny that they were ever using their phone and complain about how it's against the 5th amendment, it's also the same thing with talking and they debate her all the time. today my class debated with the teacher because god forbid we have a test and a project due in the same week. i just want to tell them to shut the **** up sometimes, some people are so dramatic.

anyway, i wish there was a website for animal crossing where you could set up furniture items inside your house like the island planner. this would be helpful because i could see how things look before buying/cataloging them but that would be a lot of work for developers and nintendo would probably sue them or something.
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I wish the world was more centered in the heart than the mind. I wish for peace and prosperity for everyone. It is possible, only human desire stops it from fruition.
I’m tempted to buy tickets for this one hockey game but idk. I’ll see when the day gets closer.
Creators for cash-grab movies see the "exaggerate character design" advice and then churn out stuff like this:


I cannot put into words the absolute
FURY this thing embeds into my soul

I am sobbing
^who tf allowed those designs LOL.

also okay royal mail i forgive you those asendia ppl are worse
i like to eat raw onions. i’ll eat slices of them one by one like a snack until they burn my throat.
I don't think testing and tracing "too little" is the issue honestly, probably that there are bad regulations on how and when to do it, it's not that they tell people to use common sense a lot or learn to feel your body etc. unless one's that smart themself. so the er's/hospitals gets flooded with people who probably just have some allergy or slight fever and nothing else cause they don't know painkillers lol.
regret feels should have bought that other movie poster when i could have it's not that they turn up there every day...
I honestly wonder all the time how much people would actually be willing to pay for my art. might be an okay way to make some side money.
I honestly wonder all the time how much people would actually be willing to pay for my art. might be an okay way to make some side money.

You could post in the museum asking how much people on here would pay/if there is interest. Could be a good starting point, thought when asking other peoples opinions do keep in mind only you know how much time goes in to one piece.
My phone is dying I need to get my charger but if I move my doggie might leave (from laying next to me on my couch chair) and I don't want her too

Edit: She got up. Apparently all I had to day was "Puppy-" (I didn't even finish my sentence) and she got right up and left. I can charge my phone now but at what cost😔

*Puppy isn't her name but it's like a nickname, one of many she has
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The more novels I read the more I notice the same writing mistakes. Some authors seem to write very one dimensional characters. I can’t tell you how many antagonists I read whose only personality trait was “blunt jerk.” The same could be said for characters who are just “nice.” They end up feeling more like plot devices than actual people.

Other writers spend way too long describing things that could be done in a paragraph. One book I read actually spent multiple pages on nematode breeding. This didn’t happen once either. It happened every other chapter. I get the protagonist researches that subject, but I don’t need an introductory course before every character interaction.
hope y'all be enjoying the d/p remakes those of you getting em. gonna have to wait til next friday cause switch games are expensive + payday.