EXACTLY, people in my class do this to my english teacher. people look at their phones and after the teacher takes it they'll deny that they were ever using their phone and complain about how it's against the 5th amendment, it's also the same thing with talking and they debate her all the time. today my class debated with the teacher because god forbid we have a test and a project due in the same week. i just want to tell them to shut the **** up sometimes, some people are so dramatic.why are folks on tiktok bothering a teacher doing teacher things
if a kid is on their phone in class too much, and the teacher takes it away for a short time, what's so unreasonable about that?
anyway, i wish there was a website for animal crossing where you could set up furniture items inside your house like the island planner. this would be helpful because i could see how things look before buying/cataloging them but that would be a lot of work for developers and nintendo would probably sue them or something.
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