Place your random thoughts.

I think it feels that way since last year probably felt like a blur due to the pandemic. Like sometimes I talk to people about something that happened and they'd think it was in 2020, but it would be in 2019. It's like 2020 didn't exist to them. We just skipped a year.
yeah its no wonder i cant keep track of time LOL
Google's text Messages app is seriously the worst ever and I lowkey regret switching OS's now lol
i remember saying on here last month that I was switching from ios to android. i finally got my s21 and it was a nice phone but i agree, the message app felt completely soul less. i had it for 2 days and i had to return it because i couldn’t deal with it anymore. i mean, the phone wasn’t total crap so idk why people get into this iphone vs android argument but it certainly ain’t for everyone, especially people who had iphones prior to getting an android.
Collecting mini medals in Dragon Quest 8 is such a pain. Many of them are in obscure places and there’s no way to keep track of the ones you missed. The only reason I’m doing it is to give Red the armor you get for collecting all 133 mini medals. After two hours of using a guide I only have around 60…
What is with Japanese media and Schrodinger’s Cat? From comedy manga to pseudo-science filled visual novels, that theory is everywhere.
It’s past 3 a.m. and I didn’t sleep well last night. How am I still awake? LOL. Please let me sleep in.
i remember saying on here last month that I was switching from ios to android. i finally got my s21 and it was a nice phone but i agree, the message app felt completely soul less. i had it for 2 days and i had to return it because i couldn’t deal with it anymore. i mean, the phone wasn’t total crap so idk why people get into this iphone vs android argument but it certainly ain’t for everyone, especially people who had iphones prior to getting an android.
Yeah, only reason I ever got a 'droid was literally the clock widget thing cause I always had to check the iOS app like at least thrice so I actually put on alarms post-ios 14 update. For me it's mostly messages not sending rather than no soul but yeah it's really annoying. And yeah idk if they will ever bring back Up next or a clock widget for alarms for iphones so guess I'm stuck lol
Raymond's amiibo card is cheaper than Marshal's...
In the US, Marshal's card is around $80 USD on eBay, and Raymond's is around $7 USD (this was a price on a real card.)
Like what happened..

I have both of their cards, I'm just shocked to see the prices.
Raymond's amiibo card is cheaper than Marshal's...
In the US, Marshal's card is around $80 USD on eBay, and Raymond's is around $7 USD (this was a price on a real card.)
Like what happened..

I have both of their cards, I'm just shocked to see the prices.
I think it's probably cuz Marshal's card is from an older series and he's so popular, and raymond is from the most recent series so hes easier to get?
"Bird song" by Florence + the machine never fails to make me emotional EVERY TIME i listen to it . idk if its just that ****ing powerful or if its bc of an animatic i associate it with but its an amazing song either way😭
^ not at all, it makes them more personable/relatable in a way :)

i literally cannot remember what I came here for lmao my memory is fantastic (y)

I wanted to say, I'm lowkey sad that I've gone another year without winning anything from the 12 Days of Collectibles raffle, but then I remember that I literally won a pink feather from the AC 20th Anniversary raffle and I'm happy again :) I love having two pink feathers!

big congrats to every who did win a collectible (especially Merielle and that delicious Disco Ball Egg ugh)