Place your random thoughts.

Every time I’m tempted to borrow a book from the library I have to remind myself that there are still several unfinished books on my shelf. Reading 3-7 titles at a time is already an issue of mine, so I don’t need even more distractions from my backlog.
I found a 20 dollar bill on the ground today so I stuffed it in my pocket but when I got home it was gone. Spoookyyyyy, or I just dropped it.
someone blocked me on twitter for sending this
Can’t wait to download three more Steam games during the Steam Winter sale and barely play them!
Its going to suck that in the future that Covid-19 could be around for a lot longer and its going to get treated like the Flu where everyone might need to get different shots just to protect them from this virus. It will be a long time until the whole world reaches herd immunity when everyone is not as sick with covid-19 and maybe then life could return to normal, but I seriously doubt it.
Not to sound greedy or impatient, but i want my silver bells so i can get the snowflake wand already

Hopefully the rest of the staff can accept my entry at some point lol
its HOW OLD?? it feels like it just came out😭
I think it feels that way since last year probably felt like a blur due to the pandemic. Like sometimes I talk to people about something that happened and they'd think it was in 2020, but it would be in 2019. It's like 2020 didn't exist to them. We just skipped a year.