Place your random thoughts.

I'm thinking abt buying a clay slime when it's restocked on Friday evening. hoping the specific one I want will be restocked, or else hopefully they'll have another clay slime I can buy.

I like the idea of slime but I hate sticky textures and I'm not a fan of the clear slime (or ones considered "advanced" slimes) but the clay ones have a soft and non-sticky consistency so I think it would be perfect 😊
i keep thinking abt changing my avatar but then I remember how much I actually really like this drawing I did and I don't want to change it lol. my boy lookin snarky over here.
I wonder why songs get stuck in my head when I’m stressed out.
well.. i dropped my 2DS xl hard and now it keeps cutting out when i try to turn it on. im hoping it works later and i didn't accidentally kill it, if i did i guess i could emulate games but are emulators even legal?
The way Reddit downvotes anything on a whim is wild. The entire place has really devolved. Used to go there for advice on DIY projects and the such, but it just sucks for that now even.
well.. i dropped my 2DS xl hard and now it keeps cutting out when i try to turn it on. im hoping it works later and i didn't accidentally kill it, if i did i guess i could emulate games but are emulators even legal?
Try checking the battery if you can, maybe the drop caused the battery to shift or something which might cause power issues like that, and reseating the battery could solve the issue if that was the case.
I should play Zelda games more often, especially the ones I haven't beaten yet. Last time I played Zelda was a few months ago, and all I did was clear the ice cavern in Ocarina of Time.
For some reason whenever I’m pressured into making a decision, I’m more likely to choose whatever the other people want instead of what I want, but if you give me time to make the decision I’ll actually pick what I want. I wonder why this happens
My cat is so cute. Like, this is the dog bed. It's too big for you. You have your own bed.

for the last few nights I have been procrastinating going to bed bc I want to keep drawing. I haven't had this kind of motivation in months. and it comes at the worst time bc I have to work early tomorrow lol.
^Been there! Me and some of my friends would go almost whole nights w/o sleeping just to draw. The good ol' days, lol.
I had this video recommended to me on YouTube and it perfectly captures how I feel when I return to New Leaf sometimes. Whenever I open the game I feel like I’ve returned pre-teen again, even though it’s been so long.
Had a strange dream involving me and some friends & acquaintances getting into a shootout w/ some cartel members. I had a rifle and shot one through the eye, only it wasn't human, it was a robot! Later on we apparently found their hideout or something where they were partying and I said something along the lines of, "We're gonna need more than single-shot weapons for this! We're gonna need rocket launchers and miniguns.." I think I'm gonna stop taking melatonin for awhile, always makes me dream weird lol.