Place your random thoughts.

We actually have a few junkies that seem to like standing in the road. Haven't heard about anyone hitting them yet. You can't tell them what to do.
Last week must have been really stressful. I found two white hairs earlier today.

Even though I know that I should use time wisely since I’m still awake, I can’t bring myself to do so. I’m mentally exhausted.
I hate that local multiplayer is becoming a thing of the past. I bought Kirby’s Dream Buffet when it came out and have never been more bamboozled by how they chose to handle multiplayer, and in a Nintendo game of all things.
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I guess I mean more specifically same-console multiplayer
My grandpa suggested I consider becoming an Asian Studies major and he might be on to something. Being a Japanese major is an extremely niche pick. My college only graduates around 15 a year. Finding jobs can be difficult as a result. If I became an Asian Studies major I’d have a larger variety of potential jobs to choose from. I’m also just a sucker for learning and discussing different cultures. It’s literally one of my reasons for living.
How does one even practice customer service skills without having a job already?
Wendy's has a peppermint frosty for December. Anyone know if it is any good? 🤔
I want to try it, but it will have to be on a day that isn't really cold. But I also wonder if I would be better off just buying some peppermint icecream from the store.
A few inches of snow and school is cancelled for 2 hours. Usually I'd be excited, but 1. this is Utah, we can handle a few inches and 2. I already woke up early today😭 this is what happens when I try to be productive lol
My dog is laying on me and I want to get up and get my stuff so I can start playing videogames but that would require moving her. And she is very cozy rn.
just recently acquired a Ganz Heritage Collection fox plush, and it got me wondering... how many fox plushies do I own now?

well, excluding the one I stuck in my box of webkinz for some reason... I have nine 😁 🦊

just look at them. you couldn't find a much better plushie squad if you tried.
also if plush makers don't start making more silver fox plushies I will RIOT
Wendy's has a peppermint frosty for December. Anyone know if it is any good? 🤔
I want to try it, but it will have to be on a day that isn't really cold. But I also wonder if I would be better off just buying some peppermint icecream from the store.
It’s terrible. It tastes like toothpaste to me. The peppermint milkshakes from Chik-Fil-a are so much better.