Place your random thoughts.

Lowkey want like a guy’s haircut but idk what would look good with my face lol. An actual guy’s haircut. Not a lesbian cut, lol. Which may be difficult because some barber’s don’t really get it with the transgender, unfortunately. But still, I don’t know what would look good with my face shape lol.

I guess it doesn’t matter since I wear hats a lot anyway.
I want a cat Peach plush sm lol, just look how cute she is 🥺💕
Had a super weird dream this morning where I was in a college classroom I recognize, taught by a high school teacher and filled with my high school classmates, and I wound up having to explain the plot of 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors to them
Valentine’s day is overrated, and it’s the one day a year society peer pressures you into loving people. Like I want to love on and support people, but get these red and pink hearts out of my face!
^ I almost exclusively read nonfiction.

Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a good story...but, I think I get enough great stories out of video games or something. - I never feel compelled to seek out books for that. (When I read, I feel like it should be for the sake of absorbing new information). Just noticed over time that I can finish a great story-driven video game and think about it for months...but, I never do that with books.

If I do read fiction, even if it's great...I stop thinking about it pretty quickly.
Yeah I also mostly read non-fiction, and even if I read fiction it's more or less historical stuff that more or less did happen so, yeah. Or just anything not sci-fi/fantasy tbh.
don’t fall asleep. DON’T FALL ASLEEP.
i took my anxiety meds and my rescue med because i had a lot anxiety for like no reason and now i’m having trouble staying awake :))