I've been thinking a lot about how simple life really is, and how unnecessarily messy people choose to make it.
Every time someone says something like "that's life" or "life is hard"...I always say "society is hard...life is simple". It really is one of my biggest pet peeves at this stage in my life. I can't stress how over the entire thing I really am. - It really is true that the meaning of life could be right there for everyone to see, and most people would miss it.
Imgur is what I use and is actually pretty useful if you just don't get involved in the community at all. All of my photos are pre-set to hidden, so people can only view it if they have the link. I have like, -8 points from when I first joined, but haven't received anything since then since my photos are hidden/private now.
Reminds me of how people won't watch certain anime shows because of the fandom. Are people unable to ignore/not get involved with the fandom or what? Around half the shows I've watched probably have crappy fandoms, but I just enjoy the shows for what they are and don't pay attention to the fandoms.
My last thought in relation to the above is that almond milk is amazing, but I can't drink oat milk. I tried years ago and almost physically threw up. Certain foods and drinks do that to me I guess.
It’s sad to think most people will never get the chance to make a game, movie or show. A lot of people out there have good ideas and even if they get the chance, sometimes those ideas get warped by the company that funds the project.
Sometimes I wonder if my mom thinks at all.. she's knows I'm allergic to heavily perfumed things yet she buys a dishwashing liquid that is exactly that... kms..
Sometimes I wonder if my mom thinks at all.. she's knows I'm allergic to heavily perfumed things yet she buys a dishwashing liquid that is exactly that... kms..
My mom has a habit of spraying down the house; understandable, don't want to get sick and stuff.
But I always start sneezing afterwards and she's gets really annoyed by it.