Place your random thoughts.

Randomly remembered the time in 2021 when I was trading on Nookazon and the seller sends me their dodo code, but it looked like a math equation so I solved it and sent them the answer... 😭 I don't have that chat anymore, which is disappointing 'cause I kinda wanted to see what the dodo was. XD
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I wonder why the game over screens for dkc 1, 2, and 3 are so creepy? I mean it's not even just the visuals for me, they went the extra mile with equally creepy music to match... (I personally think dkc 3 has the creepiest music of the 3 though)
Speaking of creepy game overs, why is Sonic CD’s game over so creepy but only in the American version. And why is the American boss theme so nightmare fuel too?
Wishing for a laugh emote/react on TBT , some of your posts are HILARIOUS
funnily enough, we've actually had a conversation about this recently, in this thread right here. the general consensus seems to be that most people don't want a laughing react since it could easily be misinterpreted or misused, but it would be nice to have more than two reactions.

I just realized that someone who was born in 2007 would be 16 now and I feel so ooooooold 😭
Yup. I definitely need to replace my charger now.
My group and the moon bunnies are just thinking about the most random crap to make polls on and it’s hilarious!
Why is Claim to Fame SUCH a good reality tv show, I binged the first season in a day - so worth it!
When I bump my trading threads, I try to bump them creatively, like altering the lyrics of a popular song into a song about collectibles.
I used to put screenshots from my Tomodachi Life games (or from Poofesure videos), but I stopped doing that because I got tired of having to retrieve the images. Alternating between 'bump' and 'bumpity' isn't very fun though, so I might start making my 'bump' posts more creative.