15 hours? That’s pretty long. Even 10 hours wears me out. But I’m fine with 2-hour road trips and 3-hour road trips.my 15 hour road trip wasn’t that bad (surprisingly)
we stopped periodically to use the bathroom. it wasn’t 15 hours straight, my family stayed in a hotel for a night. im not the hardest to entertain so for half the trip i was listening to music lol15 hours? That’s pretty long. Even 10 hours wears me out. But I’m fine with 2-hour road trips and 3-hour road trips.
We stop periodically too when we consider driving for over an hour.we stopped periodically to use the bathroom. it wasn’t 15 hours straight, my family stayed in a hotel for a night. im not the hard to entertain so for half the trip i was listening to music lol
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i’m not on my phone during the movie dw! they showed clips of it during the pre-show![]()
Maybe it's just me but I always thought a lot of people on this site treated you unnecessarily harshly. Of course, I don't know the details of that event so I guess I can't really comment too much on it but I can say this: there are definitely a lot of people in this site I would have liked to have punched back in the day! Thankfully though, it seems a lot of people on here have either cooled their jets or have disappeared altogether. Just my 2 cents though, lol.Back when the Blog Tree existed, I used to blog a lot. Despite the political blog entries, the most controversial one I posted wasn’t a political blog entry, but rather a blog entry discussing my past experiences on TBT, four months after I joined this site. And it was all because I brought up that big, user-hosted giveaway that I received a backlash on (yes, I’m still bringing this up). The good thing was that I didn’t call out names, but the bad thing was that I alluded to a specific event and painted those who lashed at me in a negative light, and months after the event happened. Politics are controversial, especially if it’s on social issues, but bringing up past controversies this site went through, no matter the age, is worse. Granted, if I vented about how they treated me on that day, I would’ve made a bad situation worse, hence the mentions of the event a week or two after it happened. But the fact they wouldn’t let me vent about it then was why I continue to bring it up.
To be honest, I have grown a lot since the backlash. Not only have I forgiven everyone who were excessively harsh towards me on that day, but I have acknowledged the error that I have made. Not just rejecting a gift made by a generous person, but also putting a price on what I got for free, from other users. And the community as a whole has calmed down over the subject matter behind the event (aka collectibles). What I didn’t like was that they were being too harsh towards a new user (me) who didn’t know whatever he (I) was doing was wrong. There were other times I received a backlash on this site, and I’ve acknowledged an error those times because either it was a political discussion or because I knew darn well that whatever I was doing was wrong. But that first time I got a backlash, I didn’t acknowledge an error. That’s why I carried this topic over in a biased manner.
Yeah, I know I was treated harshly on the political topics, but it used to be a whole lot worse, even before all these political dramas. Back during my first year, there were a couple users (mostly behind an anonymous identity) who obsessively hated me, to the point where they constantly stalked my site activity, voted down blog entries of mine, and even harassed me on other sites (like my first wordpress site). Was it because I was a conservative? Actually, it’s because I was a fan of the moderators, acted very helpful to train myself to become a moderator, and posted life experiences. In fact, I was the most hated member on this site, not by everyone, but by those who hated me. And when I did do something that is rude (like rejecting the yellow candy from the giveaway) or out of the mainstream (like believing Darren Wilson was innocent), they use it as a reason to bully me. Sure I was criticized by the left-wing users from 2016 to 2020, but even they weren’t that obsessive towards me. But I’ll say this. I didn’t move leftward because I was caved into pressure (I never did). I moved leftward to center-right because of what Tucker Carlson did that got him fired from Fox News (since that happened, I began to realize that I was fooled by the right all this time).Maybe it's just me but I always thought a lot of people on this site treated you unnecessarily harshly. Of course, I don't know the details of that event so I guess I can't really comment too much on it but I can say this: there are definitely a lot of people in this site I would have liked to have punched back in the day! Thankfully though, it seems a lot of people on here have either cooled their jets or have disappeared altogether. Just my 2 cents though, lol.