Place your random thoughts.

Screenshot 2023-08-20 2.48.41 PM.png

I'm sorry, but what the name of Space Whales is that?! I'm talking about the Alien Baby, not the ISC's rep.
You should be able to ban certain types of videos from your YouTube recommended. Also certain ages of children don’t deserve to have YouTube, so they should have a quiz from like 2000-2010, and ten years from now it would be 2010-2020. It would help weed out the little toddlers that still have their precious attention spans.

I'm sorry, but what the name of Space Whales is that?! I'm talking about the Alien Baby, not the ISC's rep.
You know, as someone who’s been on this site since 2014, I’m no stranger to the site’s creepy banners. Although they don’t scare me enough to discourage me from using this site (since they’re G-rated or E-rated), they tend to get a whole lot creepier than what Animal Crossing does. Like those Zipper T Bunny banners. There’s even one with Zipper wearing a sombrero and holding maracas.
I just went back and read a short (prob 400-ish words) story that I wrote in my art thread a little over a year ago, and it made me feel so fuzzy. I can definitely tell that my hopeless romantic side was coming out while writing that haha 😭💖
I was planning to art journal today, but now I feel too lazy. Maybe a nap will help.
My mom: Do you want *this only option*?

Me: I'm not really capable of gettin other options rn

Mom: So you don't want *this only option*

No, that's not what I said. IDK why her thought process is like this, this isn't the first time either. I literally just said that's my only option. Do I like it, no, but it's my only option rn.
And I thought my brain worked stupid🤷 (it does but even I can tell when someone says 'I don't like it but this is my only option rn so I have to take that').
This is not to say that I support the GOP’s court-packing scheme or their extreme laws since I don’t like what they did, but the court case that got Roe v Wade overturned could be been as karma towards the Democrats over how they treated Kavanaugh back in 2018.

Because they didn’t have the option to filibuster Kavanaugh’s confirmation, they decided to accuse him of sexual assault, using a 36-year-old case as a reason not to have him in. They even delayed the confirmation vote in favor of an investigation of a very obscure case. Although Christine Blasey Ford’s claim was believable because someone else could’ve done it, many people, I included, speculated that these accusations were done solely to prevent Roe v Wade from being overturned. The outcome? The GOP got supermajority control of the court by the end of Trump’s presidency, and in 2022, Roe v Wade got overturned (if that’s not bad enough, abortion was essentially abolished in the one state Democrats tried to turn blue for years).

The Republicans also had their fair share of political bad karma in recent times. Their storming of the Capitol Building, combined with their incessant “Let’s Go Brandon” chants, costed them the red wave they’ve been anticipating. Normally, the party in power loses seats for as long as the president’s approval rating is below 50%, and Biden was one of the many presidents to have a low approval rating at the midterms. But last year was an exception.

Just letting you know, karma is finally catching up on aggressive behavior in politics, commoner or politician, Democrat or Republican, and Congressperson or President. Or maybe it already has caught up before, but people didn’t start getting more aggressive until recently.
I’m Christian but I don’t support Christians that have homophobic beliefs or just anti LGBT sentiment. Regardless of what the Bible says about homosexuality, it also says God loves everyone and that you should love your neighbor as yourself.
thinking I may take a bit of a break from internet stuff, I think the end of the space camp event left me feeling really overwhelmed and now my anxiety is acting up a bit and I'm overthinking a lot of things. just need to take some time to decompress. I may peek in here occasionally since I still need to buy one more camp collectible, but besides that I'm pretty much out for now.

if anyone wants to chat you can reach out to me on Discord (handle is the same as my tbt username) 💜
The thought of putting everything back in place is making me feel a bit lazy.
now that space camp is over and i can change my avatar/signature i have no clue what to change it to