Place your random thoughts.

Last night, I read an article on stuff that offends the far left. I thought it would be an interesting share, but since some of the stuff questions gender identity and sexual orientation, I would refrain posting the link and instead list everything that’s wrong with the far left from my point of view:
  • They do not allow dissent.
  • They believe that being silent, neutral, or indifferent to a political issue is just as bad as supporting the wrong side of an issue or simply being against them.
  • They think feelings are more important than logic. Political issues include universal healthcare, police funding, immigration policy, and vegetarianism.
  • They believe in excessive censorship to avoid offending a particular group, even if that’s a threat to freedoms or bad for education. It’s also illogical to take something away from everybody because just a few people can’t do it.
  • They are just as intolerant as their far-right counterparts, though for different reasons.
I frequently criticized the alt-right in the last few months for engaging in culture wars, believing falsehoods and conspiracy theories for more power, restricting education in the name of patriotic extremism and Christian nationalism, and betraying the United States in favor of themselves, but this article I read reminded me of why I’ve always been against the far left, ever since I joined this very site. To me, both the far left and far right are spoiled brats. They’re not all about saving America or solving its problems. They’re all about themselves.
Today I learned that I hate the smell of marijuana. On a related note, I also learned that my dad's "incense" that I've always hated the smell of was not, in fact, incense. 😅
What he's got is legal here now so I'm safe to tell on him lmao
I believe the first Nintendo console to have this “joy-con drift” problem was the Nintendo 64. If you leave the control stick tilted before turning on or if it gets stuck, the game controls itself in a way you don’t want it to. But you can unplug your N64 controller if it acts up. I also remember having this same problem on the 3DS.
I believe the first Nintendo console to have this “joy-con drift” problem was the Nintendo 64. If you leave the control stick tilted before turning on or if it gets stuck, the game controls itself in a way you don’t want it to. But you can unplug your N64 controller if it acts up. I also remember having this same problem on the 3DS.
The N64 controller wasn't $80.
Yeah, I remember the Wii Nunchuck having problems if you put it away somewhere improperly, but it also wasn't super expensive.
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this is the deadest ive seen the forum 😢
So I read more about the seven seals in the Book of Revelation. Although one source claims that six of them have already been opened, the source I just read said that none of them even opened yet. In fact, by the time the first one opens, we know the end of the world is near.

There’s also a story where Satan is thrown into a bottomless pit, where he is bound to stay for 1,000 years. If that story is real, then that would take place some time after the Earth enters World War III. In other words, the world isn’t going to end within our lifetimes. Pretty much everyone who was born in the 20th century would be gone by the time the first seal opens.
I was going to say it's impressive how many guests are visiting the site right now, but I'm pretty sure 3/4 of them are bots.
Disney is making a sequel to Inside Out, as well as a fifth Toy Story film, showing us that they haven’t learned their lessons on the obsession of sequels.

It still blows my mind that they couldn’t leave the flawless ending of Toy Story 3 alone
I wonder if I buy Niall Horan concert tickets tomorrow.. when the prices are still relatively low for GA... If I could take someone to go with me ;-;
Does anyone else remember the 2000s trend where guys would wear shirts that said “Real Men Wear Pink”? I’m glad that now you can wear whatever color and no one cares. (Fun fact: Pink was originally a “baby boy’s color” for many years, ironically enough.)
Why is lavender always paired with vanilla? As someone who hates the scent of vanilla, I often have trouble finding good lavender deodorizers because they are often paired together. When I do find a good combination, it is available for a limited time.
just looked at my old vm’s from 2015-2016 ;____; actually so embarrassing who let me act like that