Place your random thoughts.

It might be cultural? I think some places around the world have food items that others not from those areas would find weird.
Yeah, that makes sense. But the salad-stuffed tomato recipe I found was Martha Stewart’s, I think? Interesting idea, though.
It doesn't feel like December to me, but I think I'm ok with that.
Probably doesn't help that I forgot to start reading an advent devotional when the month started, but still.
Maybe it's because it's been kinda warm? We only had flurries once and it didn't land.
I'm not complaining. I was hoping for a warm/mild winter this year but most of our hard winter weather comes mid Jan through Feb.
I just cleared out all of my messages on here. I don't think I had that many. It just feels nice to have an empty inbox to look at. Most of the messages dated back to 2021, and I like to think I matured as a person since then. I'm just trying to be the best possible version of myself. I want to be who I am instead of what others around me want me to be.

I don't feel disconnected from myself nearly as much as I used to. My interests are my own. I can't dwell on the past and I can't really change what happened, but I can choose how I react and how to go from here.

Found out this plushie exists today, and now will be thinking about it every day for the rest of my life. It’s sold out and costs $340 CAD (not including shipping), and I want it so, so bad. Look at them 🥺🥺🥺🥺

Their names are Sunshine and Moooon. 🥺🥺 GIVE
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A few weeks ago (before Saberspark made a video about it, he's not the only place I hear about shows), I heard about this conservative rip off of Bluey called Chip Chilla. I don't really care that it's conservative, I just don't get why political propaganda is put into kids shows. I know it's not a show, but take Free Birds, for example. Why did they decide to make an environmentalist propaganda film targeted at families? They're kids, they just want to watch something that's good.

Also, Rob Schneider was in Chip Chilla, I guess he's finally going to become a carrot for his next movie now.
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Found out this plushie exists today, and now will be thinking about it every day for the rest of my life. It’s sold out and costs $340 CAD (not including shipping), and I want it so, so bad. Look at them 🥺🥺🥺🥺

Their names are Sunshine and Moooon. 🥺🥺 GIVE
It looks like it belongs in a game like Spyro. Very cute!!
I remember trying to name my Spigatito "Ganja" and the game wouldn't let me. I guess Nintendo was smart enough to filter out that word lol.
If you rank all of Disney’s animated features based on how dark they are, The Lion King would be somewhere in the top five or even top three. Of just the more popular Disney movies itself, it’s the darkest animated feature.
Google ads are in a way suppose to be age why am I getting ads for much older people.
What are you trying to say, Google. I know my birthday is near (February), but I'm not that old yet. 😭

Also next year is a leap year.
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Speaking of sprigatito names, I will never forgive myself for not naming mine Herbert…Like the kitten from the meme and also it has herb in it! Of course i could just get another one but like…it would have been so perfect.

His name is parsley which is just meh
Learned a few days ago that a scene with Rose naked in Titanic was removed in China because they thought that in the 3D viewing, people would reach out to try to touch her. If I had to know that, you also do.
I am just never feeling it during these winter events. I wish I could enjoy it like I do the events the rest of the year.
I overheard some ladies at the grocery store say the Wonka movie was “so bad”, that it had “no plot”, and that Chalamet “can’t sing.” Now, I’m not a huge fan of Chalamet, but as someone who enjoyed both Willy Wonka movies I still want to see it.
I always get confused when someone on Mario Kart lets you pass them at the finish line. I was front-running the entire race and a blue shell hits me a few seconds before the finish line on the final lap. The person that passes me, let's me pass them. I know exactly what I saw. It was nice of them. I just see Mario Kart as a competitive game, and I wouldn't have expected to see something like this.
peak society was when swapnote was popular and we can never top that again, i will not be changing my opinion.
I found out that my state, Connecticut, is one of the least memorable states, based on research I did. Said research mainly consisted of two or three articles, but still. Yeah, I can't say I'm surprised. I can't name one thing about this state that a lot of people in other states would immediately recognize. New York is close by and it's still way more popular. I also found out that it's one of the most blue states, which I guess explains why my school is an international school.
Imagine having to wait a whole day for a Technichan to show up and they ghosted you, and then when they finally show up they say "Oh I forgot my tools" after showing up so late and they do a Reschedule forcing you to wait longer for your home appliance to be fixed.