Place your random thoughts.

I had the sudden urge to play Tears of the Kingdom, but I just remembered that my dad lent the game to one of his friends. 😭 Eh, maybe I should use the opportunity to beat a Zelda game that I have a good amount of progress in, like Link's Awakening or Twilight Princess.
Screenshot 2024-03-31 at 7.50.20 PM.png

Let’s see if I can memorize the lyrics for Smash Mouth’s famous song, All Star:

Welcome to Duloc, such a perfect town
Here we have some rules, let us lay them down
Don’t make waves, stay in line
And we'll get along fine
Duloc is a perfect place
Please keep off of the grass
Shine your shoes, wipe your…face
Duloc is, Duloc is, Duloc is a perfect place!
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I must say, there is very little I've found that can match the feeling of stepping on board an Amtrak train knowing it's going to be your home sweet home for the next day or two... or three! It never gets old. Unlike my constant rambling about it, I'm sure!
If only I had enough bells to change my name. Yoshi’s cool and all, but Birdo is soooo much better.
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i blanked out so badly on the egg hunting game and could not pick up steam at all. (while I was doing okay at first). then others were finishing and it just made me sad that I managed to fall that far behind.

it was definitely fun and clever though.

I shall stick with my balloons.
But here’s one that makes a little more sense. Punch Out and TF2.
scout v heavy, live tonight at 11pm. I'm sure the soldier would say, may God have mercy on his soul 🫡

I just came here to say that I hope someone accepts my eggie offer cause I'm like this 🤏 freakin close to being able to actually quit collectibles for a while lol
Life is just bittersweet rn. I mean it could be worse.. but still.
I'm just tired.

Ohope! The Stardew update I feel like really adds to the game play and I've been having a lot of fun on it and not losing interest. I called my farm on the new map, Sugar Creek Farm! And I got pretty far in the community center and I am in my first winter. I'm about to go farther in this game than I have before on a different file. The mini events really help break of the monotonous feeling that can come each season.
I'd like to wear bow ties more often. 🎀 I typically wear a neck tie, whether for work or for leisure, but bow ties are cool too. I just don't wanna be mistaken for some Doctor Who fan. 😬 Thankfully I don't do silly patterns or use pre-tied bow ties. That's already a step in the right direction. 😜
Because ngl I'm going to be refreshing the forum all day, this is the most fun I've ever had so far. I don't want today to end ever <3