Place your random thoughts.

When I first assigned colors to every month, (December = red, May = white etc.), I listed September as the first month even though it’s much later in the year. Though, that’s probably because I based this from my Winter Island video game idea, and according to the island’s national calendar, September is the first month of the year, and August is the last month.
V Rising's update is in just 2 days...can't wait! Me and a bunch of friends are gonna be playing it, should be fun!
hearing the daily vocabulary of the 9th grader honestly makes me wanna stop existing. It sounds so dumb, and that's coming from another 9th grader who doesn't use the normal vocabulary that consists of internet language (unless I accidentally type it out)
Space butler is honestly one of the greatest anime of characters of all time:

I mean, come on! Just look at that 'stache.
I just saw two black birds in my backyard, one of them was much bigger than the other. I thought that maybe the bigger bird was the parent of the smaller bird, but they were walking around each other seemingly getting ready to fight. They also kept screeching, but mainly the bigger bird. Then the bigger bird flew away and left the smaller bird there, who just walked around. I don’t even know if it can fly or if it’s still there. Maybe this is some kind of mating thing?

I hope that smaller bird is okay lol.
While I was in the hallway waiting for the final bell to ring, some student (he looked like an 8th or 9th grader) comes up to me and asks to borrow my pencil (I always have a pencil behind my ear, which he must've noticed). After I said no, he turns to his friends and says "Aw, ****!" before walking away.

...That was pretty random and I have no idea why this kid even approached me. I was just thinking "screw off" during the interaction. :v
I hate when somebody says 'no offense'.

if you want to say something offensive, might as well be honest about it. it's just a lesser way of saying:

"I know this is hurtful, but I'm going to be saying it anyways". and if you had to word it like that, most would give it a second thought.
I found out today that you can check your Spotify stats on their site, and...
"A.D.I.D.A.S." by Korn is my #1 most played track (on all the "last 4 weeks / 6 months / 12 months" tabs)... Didn't realize I loved the song that much. XD

And surprisingly, System Of A Down isn't my most played artist... It's Korn. :unsure:
So, I'm guessing you don't have to wait until the end of the year to get your stats with Spotify Wrapped?

I may just check mine on the website. I've never actually been on their site.
Haha yeah, I thought you had to wait for Spotify Wrapped as well.

I'll paste the link here so you can check your stats: (You'll have to sign in with your Spotify account.)
I still cannot grasp the fact that Nintendo chose Extreme-G and Iggy’s Reckin’ Balls of all games as part of their N64 app. They could’ve added Donkey Kong 64 or Diddy Kong Racing instead.

Actually, the real problem is that Donkey Kong 64 wasn’t even on the N64 app from the beginning. It’s not that they chose some obscure third-party games over that. I know the lesson is to be patient, but I’ve been waiting for far too long, and they haven’t said anything about DK64.