Place your random thoughts.

Bees and Wasps scare the hell out of me. Of all the phobias to have, this is an inconvenient one. Makes the summer months much tougher.

I was walking to our mailbox today and covered my ears after a bee flew in front of me.

Also looked out of my drivers side window and saw a hornet up close. My heart sank because I thought it was in the car.
I didn’t see all of the Met Gala, but the following should be invited:
—Jack Black
—Famous drag queens (Sasha Colby, Nymphia Wind, etc.)
—Javier Bardem (his wife Penelope Cruz was at the one last year. He can bring her as the date.)
—Paul Hollywood
—Alfred Molina
Someone was waiting for my match to be over in Splatoon. I hit stop instead of keep going 🤦‍♀️. I feel really bad and want to apologize, but I have no idea who the player is (it might be someone who added me on a discord server).
I checked Nintendo’s sales data. Over the last three months, they only sold two million units. Sales are finally slowing down (granted, the first three months of the year is usually where they do the worst, but it’s never been this low).

I’ve also noticed that this year has been a disappointing year for new Switch titles as well. It’s all remakes and ports rather than new games. Even the actual newer games were disappointing. Is the Switch finally coming to an end?

Some things I did want for the Switch that’s still not here:
  • A 3D Zelda equivalent to Super Mario 3D All Stars.
  • Pokémon Let’s Go Johto.
It's funny how my favorite childhood shows have revivals/spinoffs/sequels now...

Blue's Clues & You!
Dora (2024 TV series)
The Fairly OddParents!: A New Wish
Yo Gabba Gabbaland!
VeggieTales: In the House/City
Been sat in the staff room for ten minutes wondering where everyone else is... 🤔

Then it hits me.

Break is at 11:15AM, Chris, not 11AM. I've been working here long enough that I should know that! 🤦‍♂️
I wonder if there were any kids who played Super Mario 64 and were ran around Peach’s Castle looking for Shifting Sand Land and never found it. I have no idea why they disguised the painting to the level as a wall. I’m pretty sure there’s nothing in the game that tells you. The only reason I knew where it was is because I’ve watched videos of this game before.
I need this bookmark in my life!

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 7.29.21 AM.png
it's so weird to me when something totally harmless is given a self imposed age restriction.

"your too old to play this video game". man, who cares. it doesn't effect you.

also if I want a happy meal i'm ordering it. it's my money thanks.

Do whatever makes you happy!

I'm in my 30s and two of my biggest loves are Lego and Pokémon. Both of these interests are represented in my office. :D

Plus a Tamagotchi who was inevitably dead this morning because I left him at work over the holiday weekend (oops).
I had to do another summative today but I’m way more confident that it was good. It was for Math this time, and just like with that essay I didn’t finish in time, but like I said, I still think it was good.

Also, the test that I did last Wednesday still hasn’t been graded so I just have to sit here and wait for it.
Apparently, this was the actual commercial for Yoshi's Island.

The commercial for Kirby Super Star is also wacky and features more bloated people:

*Not safe for weak stomachs
Apparently, this was the actual commercial for Yoshi's Island.

The commercial for Kirby Super Star is also wacky and features more bloated people:

*Not safe for weak stomachs
Wow what a throwback 😂 reminds me of that one "Got Milk" ad where Mario jumps out of the TV and bloats himself on milk (well actually, it's more like he grows in size as though he picked up a Super Mushroom)

Nintendo was so unhinged back then lmao
Now I've fallen down a rabbit hole on a baby naming website. I just don't know what name I should give this one character and now I'm learning about meanings and stuff.
They even have my real name there (it's correct spelling too) and it's meaning.

The character in question is a student who attends my main character's school. She was only known (in my old stuff) for working with the school's paper committee.
She now has a bigger role in my current story. However, I'm not sure with her name anymore. So now I'm buried in names looking for a replacement.
When I first started playing guitar, my dad recommended that I tried practicing "The Unforgiven" by Metallica. I was apprehensive at first since I wasn't into their music back then, but now I realize why he chose that song specifically: The main riff is super easy to play. (I can't say the same for the rest of the instrumentals, but at least I can play something that won't make me lose my cool, haha.)
The Japanese commercial for Demon's Blazon/Crest is well-done.

The English one isn't terrible, but it could've been a bit better.

Yesterday I was going to look up what Carlos from Il Divo was up to, then I remembered he passed away in 2021. 😢 He was a talented, handsome guy who also had quick-witted sense of humor.

Seeing Il Divo perform live as a 17-18 year old girl in a sea of old people was…magnificent! I love them all but I remember thinking Carlos was funny when he joked around with the audience, asking how many women were single (and when they all cheered, he said, “I’m gonna be busy tonight!” 😂)

I still have a t-shirt from that concert…I should wear it again sometime.