Place your random thoughts.

I decided to give one of my more difficult ideas a try and so far I’m really happy how it looks; I’m just drawing the shapes right now. I’m worried that once I draw in the details it will look worse though.
Why are there so many mobile games with merging mechanics? I swear half the ads for mobile games, include the merging mechanic.
I’m so pooped lol. I’m having so much fun with the fair still though; I just wish I had more energy and wasn’t burnt out. Please let the next couple events be more chill, ofc, no one is making me to participate. I should take a break next event if I’m still like this, but I’ve missed out on so many fun events and cool collectibles during my hiatus, I really don’t want to miss any lol.

At least, I’m having fun and am cheered up by the activities 🙂. I’m getting some experience drawing digitally.
I still am honestly shocked that the Last of Us was made by Zionists. I’m so glad that I never got into the game and I just saw something it even contains some of the Israeli politics in the second one. This is so depressing. For a short time I was hopeful that better changes was to come since it seemed like more people are becoming aware of what’s going on (even though this has been going on since the very foundation of the country), but now I’m very pessimistic especially since my country’s policies and how much power they have over our policies (because of their lobbyists). Just posting my thoughts; not here for a debate or argument.
Can't wait to go to Barnes and Noble next month! Gonna pick up some books and manga. I'm excited!
Okay, I am really confused and even a bit creeped out right now. O__o

I was looking over my post in the "What are your dreams?" thread and I noticed some typos. Instead of the word "h o u s e", it had the word "mouse" - multiple times too. So then, I click "edit", but then, after looking over it for almost five minutes, I realized it just said the word "house" in edit mode. I tried to edit anyway to see if this fixed the issue, but when I got out of edit mode, it was still saying "mouse."

Is something wrong with my keyboard? PC?
Is this a glitch?
Is this some type of easter egg?

Edit: Okay, I tried typing it here too, but "h o u s e" just got changed to mouse again, so I added spaces. O__O
Okay, I am really confused and even a bit creeped out right now. O__o

I was looking over my post in the "What are your dreams?" thread and I noticed some typos. Instead of the word "h o u s e", it had the word "mouse" - multiple times too. So then, I click "edit", but then, after looking over it for almost five minutes, I realized it just said the word "mouse" in edit mode. I tried to edit anyway to see if this fixed the issue, but when I got out of edit mode, it was still saying "mouse."

Is something wrong with my keyboard? PC?
Is this a glitch?
Is this some type of easter egg?

Edit: Okay, I tried typing it here too, but "h o u s e" just got changed to mouse again, so I added spaces. O__O
It's part of the ongoing Halloween event but it's only temporary, it will go back to normal later.
Okay, I am really confused and even a bit creeped out right now. O__o

I was looking over my post in the "What are your dreams?" thread and I noticed some typos. Instead of the word "h o u s e", it had the word "mouse" - multiple times too. So then, I click "edit", but then, after looking over it for almost five minutes, I realized it just said the word "mouse" in edit mode. I tried to edit anyway to see if this fixed the issue, but when I got out of edit mode, it was still saying "mouse."

Is something wrong with my keyboard? PC?
Is this a glitch?
Is this some type of easter egg?

Edit: Okay, I tried typing it here too, but "h o u s e" just got changed to mouse again, so I added spaces. O__O
Question for AccfSally, CylieDanny, Yoshi155, and Psydye:

What’s your least favorite South Park character?
I think probably Pip or Ms. Crabtree. Those are the first characters I can think of where they were just annoying or not enjoyable to watch and I just didn’t care about either of them.
There's this one Family Guy cutaway that makes me laugh every time (actually a bunch of them do lol)

It's the one where Peter narrates his life, and I always like to imagine someone doing that irl and how awkward and annoying, but also funny, it would be 😂
Talking with my boyfriend about discord vs forums. On discord I just never feel welcome there. I never feel like I can join in on the conversations. Forums just feel comfy for me 🫶
I was (re)watching The Office this evening and realized there hasn’t been a good sitcom like this in years. Of course, I enjoyed Modern Family, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Parks and Rec too, but it’s almost as if sitcoms are a dying art. I know there are some newer ones, but I tried them and they just aren’t as funny as classics like King of Queens, Sanford and Son, or Everybody Loves Raymond.
I like some of dramatic, experimental stuff that has been popular lately but I kind of miss the old funny shows.
Talking with my boyfriend about discord vs forums. On discord I just never feel welcome there. I never feel like I can join in on the conversations. Forums just feel comfy for me 🫶
It depends on the Discord server for me. I don't trust most of them.
Question for AccfSally, CylieDanny, Yoshi155, and Psydye:

What’s your least favorite South Park character?
Hmm....that's a good question. Tbh, I'm not really sure. I haven't been a steady watcher for years so I can't really say.