🍀 best of buddies 🌸
I get it, they ban the episode "The Legend of Dratini" for excessive gun use, but it's okay if Ash walks into a store and people point their rifles at him (Here Comes the Squirtle Squad) and in "Pokémon Paparazzi" they show what Ash thinks is a gun hidden in the grass about to shoot his friends.
And in "Tentacool and Tentacruel" there's a character who goes full-on Rambo with machine guns.
I guess because these scenes are played for comedic effect that the dub let it slide. I find Early-Installment Weirdness really interesting lol
And in "Tentacool and Tentacruel" there's a character who goes full-on Rambo with machine guns.
I guess because these scenes are played for comedic effect that the dub let it slide. I find Early-Installment Weirdness really interesting lol