Place your random thoughts.

Why are chicken breasts so big? The huge thick cuts I buy in Sainsbury's are huge and juicy compared to the breasts I find on a whole bird roast in the bag
If there’s snow outside, and your feet feel uncomfortably warm on the inside, you can go outside and rub snow on your feet to cool them. But then I remember, internal heat is different to external heat. I remember feeling hot earlier, and when I felt the hot outdoor air, it didn’t feel the same as internal heat.

Thoughts on Miss Universe:

—Robin Thicke reminded me of Alec Baldwin playing a character, especially when he was randomly singing next to some of the contestants.

—Too many Roku commentator moments and commercials, but oh well.

—How did Lele Pons end up as a question-asker? (Or interviewer, whatever you call them)

—My favorite question was the one about being liked or respected…was honestly the toughest one, and Miss Nigeria handled it like a pro!

—Liked the round table segments

—I loved Canada and Argentina’s evening gowns! Mexico was my favorite in that category.

—Don’t feel one way or the other about Denmark’s win.
Oh man. I nearly broke my neck today.

I started sliding down awkwardly from the top of the stairs. I was able to stay calm, rebalance, and support myself back onto the railing.

I've had two broken bones from falling down in the past. Learning from that saved me here.

I still apparently crashed loud enough for the others in the house to hear it. All I came out with was a hurt finger.
I lowkey used to believe that the vice president of the united states just did nothing all day while the president did all the work.
Randomly remembering this time three years ago when I was playing Among Us and joined a server and it ended up being filled with white supremacists. Like, they were saying the most racist and antisemitic **** possible. It made me angry so I left/got banned from the room, can’t remember. If you’re making that as a “joke” between your friends (which, if it is, it’s really not funny), why would you not just make it private? I didn’t need to see that.
This is fun to think about.
If I were born a century earlier in 1900, I'd be part of the lost generation. (1883-1900)
I would be part of the lost generation too. However, when I wish to be born earlier, I wouldn’t want to be born any earlier than 1933, 60 years before I was born. I’m more into the 70’s and 60’s than I am into earlier decades.
One night I was watching a Hallmark movie where the guy was a pastor and he kept following the lady around. He was wearing a black collar with white in the middle, like a Catholic priest. My dad said the guy reminded him of Father Phil from The Sopranos lol.
I’m starting to want to improve my art some more. I’d love to try drawing tarot cards once I understand the meanings more. But, I got to improve before I can think of anything too ambitious. I still haven’t finished that FFXII drawing I started a couple years ago. No idea if I ever will.

I need more energy, focus and patience too.
Personally, I don’t think the GTA 6 trailer looked that bad…then again, I’ve never played any of the games.

It did not occur to me to fancy up instant coffee with anything other than chocolate or vanilla syrup, sugar or milk.

Should I try cloves and cinnamon on warm instant coffee?