Place your random thoughts.

Today's my first day on a normal amount of estrogen.
The five days of my taking double the amount fixed my issues; worried I'mma start bleeding all over again. :(
Kind of feeling lazy. I have so much work to do, but I'm missing the entusiasm to do it.
things used to be so much fun.. what happened
today in class i was drawing stuff in my notebook and my friend was next to me and we were laughing and i was doing my hyena laugh and a person who was a little cute was over there and i was like “show him this page. show him this” and he’s like a seat away and he’s looking at it over and over again like he doesnt know what it means and then he realizes it and is like “oh my god jade. why. why would you do this”

today was good B)
Waiting for school to get cancelled is one of the most tempting things ever.

It's like snowing outside, there's no plow trucks as far as the eye could see, and....yeah...that..
I want to punch something but I also want to not injure my hand
Moral dilemma in the train yesterday. I was sitting with empty chairs to my left and right, when a really obese girl came to sit next to me. They were special seats in a long row, often used by people who bring bike`s in he train. Anyway, she sat down and said; "nice and cosy", which it wasn`t, it was very uncomfortable. I had to sit in a really weird posture because she took way to much space. I already had severe backpains, so that didn`t help.

But all I could think of was that I have no right to speak up, she has a right to sit, just as much as me. I don`t judge her for being overweight, yet I feel she shouldn`t have sat down there, because I sat there first and she was just to big for the open space. I know she felt selfaware because of that nice and cosy comment, yet she had no regard for the level of comfort for other people.

It pissed me off in honesty. I wouldn`t sit down on a bench if there was some space, but not enough for me for us all to remain comfortable. I feel that should be a normal moral viewpoint, but who the **** am I to decide.

It just really pissed me off, she sat on my jacket, was constantly fiddling in her pocket, which meant her entire body like perforating the leftside of my body. Yet I refused to stand up. Ugh, people are so ****ing annoying. Don`t get me wrong, you can be as overweight as you want, I couldn`t care less, but you should be more considerate of other people.