Place your random thoughts.

im tired and sad and i cant stop with my stupid self loathing.
I made jello and it wont freaking set as an added bonus to my crap day.

I really want jello

Just remember that there's plenty of jello out there, and that you're not alone.
I tried to take applesauce out of the fridge today (which I put in the night before, so it'd be nice and cold) and I dropped it and it cracked into two pieces. :) #wecangethroughthis
Just remember that there's plenty of jello out there, and that you're not alone.
I tried to take applesauce out of the fridge today (which I put in the night before, so it'd be nice and cold) and I dropped it and it cracked into two pieces. :) #wecangethroughthis

You are too kind to me.
Thank you.
I kinda feel better about my crappy day now, thank you.
Finnian's signature is so cool...

I'm so sleepy...

I can't sleep yet, because the dishes await me.
I'm so angry right now, and I don't know why.
I don't know how to fix it. I don't like it.
Scream into a pillow. That's what I do.

I gritted my teeth and screamed through them, and threw a fork into the sink.
It didn't make me feel better, but whatever xD
I think I'll play Animal Crossing, because that did calm me down, last time I was like this, lol.
I want to have close friends on this forum as I used to on my old Dutch forum but I don't think that really happens here
I just got bad heartburn from having 3 slices of pizza awhile ago but I want a slice now... :U
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I'd like to have more friends on here but I feel like Since I live in Hawaii, I'm in such a weird time zone that nobody is ever online at the same time as me. Which also makes trades difficult
I wonder if my signature is okay... I kind of feel like changing it up already... >.>
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