My dog has a huge cut on her head and I would've much preferred if I'd gotten hurt instead of her, since that's what usually happens anyway. I feel bad.
I wish they'd show dates on collectibles in shop invo.. Would make it easier to fiddle around now I have to guess lol
She's okay. She just got scraped up somehow while she was playing outside. I had to beg my mom to let me take her to the vet because she didn't think it would be a big deal, and it turned out not to be a big deal, but to me it looks like it hurts a lot so I haven't wanted to leave her side.Oh no, is she okay?
People dislikes me here pppft..
Who? I've seen nothing but positivity towards you and personally your art is awesome c:
uh this lol you seem cool
Who? I've seen nothing but positivity towards you and personally your art is awesome c:
Trust me darling, no one wants anything to do with me really.