• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Place your random thoughts.

which is fun because they cost nothing now. only starry pet i like is like draik or uni tho
would anyone like to buy some things off of me? im trying to make some money :)
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I know you can sale art in the museum section
but other things I'm not sure where you sale them, if you can that is
man I love anti humor so much

some of my fave ones

"Why was six afraid of seven?
It wasn't. Numbers are not sentient and thus incapable of feeling fear."

"A man walks into a bar, he is an alcoholic and is ruining his family."

"Four blonds are driving to Disneyworld. They finally get to Florida and they see a sign that says "Disneyworld: left" so they take the left and have a wonderful time at what many people believe to be the most magical place on Earth."

"Knock, Knock.
Who's there?
Dave who?
Dave proceeds to break into tears as his grandmother's Alzheimers has progressed to the point where she can no longer remember him."

"A horse walked into a bar. Several people got up and left as they spotted the potential danger in the situation."

"How do you kill a blonde?
Well there are many ways, but all of which are wrong because murder is illegal."
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yes, Chloe, you 45 lb. mutt...Of course, I want you to stand on my ****. Gah. Thank you very much. Don't ever do it again, GTFO.
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If I just said every random thought casually aloud to someone, I would be a very weird person. I could just imagine, someone standing there, and I turn to them and say, "****, I forgot my bra.". "Triangles can roll.". "You're weird", says the other person. "Your face is ****ing weird.", I reply, laughing.

I mean...what even?
lol yeah IKR

though I do it with my friends a lot.but..they're just like "Nebu?...What ****?"
in which I reply with "oh shut you guys are just as bad" though of course they are friends
so it's different from strangers, I'm really normal around strangers and mostly quiet and polite
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lol yeah IKR

though I do it with my friends a lot.but..they're just like "Nebu?...What ****?"
in which I reply with "oh shut you guys are just as bad" though of course they are friends
so it's different from strangers, I'm really normal around strangers and mostly quiet and polite

xD Yeah.
I just say weird **** that doesn't make sense, to my friend. I think my favourites were, "Man!! This ice cream is cold!"...I was genuinely shocked for a minute...and "I hate when people give answers like they know ****."...Stuff like that.
In front of strangers, I'm quiet and uncomfortable, and I know they can feel how uncomfortable I am xD It's funny, because I notice, they then become just as uncomfortable.
I wonder how many calories doing schoolwork burns? I always get hungry so much faster when I have lots of schoolwork.