Planetary Express (Crews 3 & 4)

Would've liked to win more but 1/3 is nothing to complain about—thanks for hosting, Chris! ^^ I really do enjoy these guessing games.

Congrats to the ISC for winning this round! 💜
yknow it helps me to know I'm not the only one who says goofy stuff like this in my answer threads
i think one of my answer thread was poop and the other was butt. it's comedy hour in the answer boxes.
3/3 feels pretty nice 🤍

i was literally thinking of voting for her but i changed my mind last minute and voted for apollo 💀 i'll take this L with dignity though, at least i got ione correct. i liked this event! awesome job, ISC!!
Screenshot 2023-07-31 8.42.52 PM.png
I had a feeling it might've been Amelia. Lo and behold, it was Amelia. And ignore how it says "in Amelia." I'm a bit embarrassed by that.
v Honestly, same.
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I don’t know what’s wrong with my deductive powers … I’m three for three wrong!!
Each time the correct choice made no sense to me at all … maybe that’s the ticket … choose the one you’re sure is incorrect!! LOL
Proud of our Moon Bunnies who guessed correctly though, and still enjoying the challenge!!