Pretty much just to do well in college and HOPEFULLY to go abroad for the first time in my life. Even if it's just across the pond to Scotland or England, I think it's about time I got on a bloody plane!
i wanna make my life better. 2017 was rough and it kinda made me blame my unfortunate situations on others. i wanna stop being so jealous and just start living and improving.
I'm just going to do my best to keep myself motivated to study properly so I don't end up messing up everything. I don't have exact plans for this year yet but I've also half promised myself to try and get a summer job.
Try my very best to make 2018 a positive year
? Stop saying negative things about myself
? Avoid online drama
? Ignore mean people online
? Ignore lies that people spread
? Drink more water
? Make friends
• Start studying again, don't procrastinate when I'm studying, work as hard as possible towards my degree.
• Find a new, stable job I'm happy in. Voulenteer when possible.
• Foucus more on my health and remain sober.
• Maybe get involved in groups / local events to meet people / try to make friends.
• Take up a hobby.
• Save money.
• Self-reflection, become my best self.
I guess I'll continue my eternal struggle with art, and I want a better job. I also plan to get through my huge backlog of games, gaming was something I did not enjoy for a brief period a couple years back, probably due to stress, but things are going much better now and I can relax and enjoy my hobbies more. I'm also going to start cycling as soon as the ice clears here, really excited about that.
Oh, and I'll actually participate in Inktober this year. Totally slipped it last year because I'm a terrible person.