I just want to have a fully good year tbh. I started to be in a better place at the end of 2017 and I just want to keep that up this year and get in even better touch with myself.
As for like, physical plans, I want to get my summer job back that I had last year because it was a lot of fun (applications will go back up soon eek) and I want to eat healthier and exercise more if possible to help deal with some problems I have.
Set a goal of reading 50 books. That's down from previous years, but if I go over, all the better.
Start laying out the timeline for my novel series. I have one more draft to write, which I'll save for November, but major rewrites on the rest. Having a cohesive timeline will be helpful.
I want to finally get my book published. I wrote it 12 years ago, got it copyrighted 10 years ago and then never did anything with it afterwards so I want to illustrate it and get it sent off to publishers.
I plan on reading a bit more, actually finishing my rough draft for a story I?ve been working on (for the past 3 years lol), enroll my son into school (super excited about this!), meeting my first daughter, buy more manga (maybe), spend more time with my family (meaning my son and husband) before deployment, expand my cookbook, and be able to stand up for myself better.
get a boyfriend , get better at drawing , start to sing , be healthy , be positive but the most important one is to get into the highschool i want to be in.
i wanna make my life better. 2017 was rough and it kinda made me blame my unfortunate situations on others. i wanna stop being so jealous and just start living and improving.
I'm starting University in the fall. The choice is between the university in my town and one that's away. I kinda want a new experience and new friends (not that I don't like my friends now, I just need new people, you know). So that's a plan I guess, I'm hoping I'll go away to university and make a lot of friends. Also get an apartment, cause I don't think I will be staying on residence, which means finding roommates and stuff. I just wanna be happpppy, and I don't want to be so clingy, that's a goal as well. I wanna be able to be alone and happy. I also made a lot of mistakes relationship wise last year... I'd really like to meet someone to be in a relationship with who I really love and stuff, but also, if that doesn't happen I want to be okay that it didn't.