Playing New Horizons and New Leaf at the same time, and I wish I could mash the games together

I wonder, if there is something better in older iterations of AC, not only dialogues but other things as well as mentioned, or maybe this is a nostalgia or just memories of really good hours / days spent with previous games.
I'm not criticise any of those feelings, just trying to understand, as my adventure with AC series has started in this year, so everything is new for me, and I choose ACNH for two (main) reasons:
  1. I bought Switch just for this game, so it would be a pointless for me, to put it aside and try to play any other AC games (older ones) for at least one year, and my Switch would be abandoned.
  2. Considered as a best one ACNL is limited to small screen in 3DS. I tried to play this game on big screen (emulated) but there is one, big problem - I couldn't catch any shark, what is not a problem at all when I'm using 3DS.

I don't agree with you in 100%. Except of some bugs, minor ones, in my opinion game is / was finished but not released in full intentionally, because "free updates" are like a magic worlds for many customers / players.
I know developing games is hard work, as I done this in my career, but I was developing game alone, creating everything - but they (Nintendo) have almost 20 years of experience with this particular title, using same / similar ideas with AC series and what most important having a large group of people working with this project. Simply, it's achievable.
As I wrote previously - "free updates" is nothing more than temptation and not create "an ultimate version of AC" is just a marketing, because if they will create best game ever will be no future for another / further iteration and this title will be finished, but obviously they can see a potential of future profit.
Let's face a truth, power of Nintendo is a set of exclusive titles and this is a reason people still buying new hardware and paying for new games, because it's still fun and pleasure of playing those games. AC, Zelda, Mario etc. not getting old and this is a fun for young and older players, constantly.
I appreciate you letting me know this. I'm not a game developer so this gives me some insight on the process.