because alt accounts aren't allowed.
How do you know it's an alt, though?
So if my sister had an OC called like "Nightmares", or some ****, that means the account is an alt?
I'm sorry I just don't see how this proves it idk ;-;
it's just kind of suspicious that your "sister" who you got both your tablet from AND your DS from have all the same info as previously before, and the new alias, kayrii was once an OC name for said "sister?"
i mean, usually if you get a new ds, you do a system transfer so you don't lose all your valuable info and stuff?
i know i sure as hell wouldn't give my siblings my hand me-down's without wiping all of my info and legacy off it it first. : ^)
This happened to Kidcat and Temmie.....The mods really should have more proof for banning an account, rather than just saying "oh, well the IP address is the same, it must be an alt".
:/ It's unfair
In all honesty I can see where they are thinking of it being an alt - same IP address and same DS friend code - But when I first created my account I PM'd a mod informing them of all of this in hopes that I wouldn't have many account banned because my sister warned me about the IP address thing. But it obviously still didn't help ;-; They even banned my mother's account she had on here accusing me of it being an alt also.. So when I told her she's like "What did I do?!" and I told her what is going on and she's just thankful she doesn't use TBT anymore and didn't really have anything to lose from it. She barely used it anyways to my knowledge. But still.. Ugh.
Why does you, your mom and your sister all use the same tablet for TBT though?
i once got pmed by the mods asking if my rl best friend was an alt because she had logged on at my house and my laptop before lmaoThis happened to Kidcat and Temmie.....The mods really should have more proof for banning an account, rather than just saying "oh, well the IP address is the same, it must be an alt".
:/ It's unfair
i once got pmed by the mods asking if my rl best friend was an alt because she had logged on at my house and my laptop before lmao
guys chill its just kayrii c:
welcome back c: <3