You are Jeb Bush (Vote Thief) - Hailing from the mighty land of Florida, where mysticism in the arts of politics and passing fishy gun laws are rampant, you sit back and enjoy the cruise with the political backwater money funding your trip. Unfortunately the ship only hands out 1 meal ticket per passenger and this doesn't sit right with your greedy ways. At night you can coerce a drunk passenger out of his ticket by buying it off of him (steal the vote), showing up the next day to the mess hall and proving to the ship servery staff that you do indeed have an appetite for two. Since nobody checks the names on the tickets you can just slip it in the serving tray and get a free meal (PM the host, it will show up as "Anonymous vote" when you use it). Sadly you can't buy tickets off the same poor sap on consecutive nights - he has to eat sometime. As drunk as he was when you conned him he will realise his meal ticket is missing and will be informed by the servery staff he can not eat that day (no vote). You win when all threats to the cruise passengers (Town) are eliminated. Good luck!