Mafia Pleasure Cruise Mini Mafia VIII [Game Over/Mafia Win]

[16:19] <+Purpl> jubs i killed u night 1 bc i figured iot would be funny
[16:19] <+Purpl> *it
[16:19] <+Purpl> confession
This was in irc mafia.
I find it ironic that when Cory mentions he might have evidence on someone he is killed. Only four people seemed to hardcore pressure him being; Purple, Alise, Lauren and Oath for him to reveal his evidence. Alise I already posted a case on and Purpl really hasn't said anything. I'm disappointed Cory didn't make a will containing the evidence he had just incase he died. Hm.. So obviously someone active has to be what Cory was talking about.
I wasn't hardcore pressuring him?????

I most likely will not be active tomorrow, but today I will be.
Please tell me you are not suspecting me for this.

Well, I mean you did say that was your idea for mafia kills/ Plus it seemed like a pretty unique idea that really only you have ever shown to have/ Also, you haven't been that big of a contributor to conversation lately/ In a game without PMs, it is kind of expected for players who use PMs a lot to communicate will have much more to discuss within the thread/

Do I think you're scum just from all of that? No, but it's just something I've been noticing/
This was in irc mafia.

I wasn't hardcore pressuring him?????

I most likely will not be active tomorrow, but today I will be.

Again as I told Lauren

Sorry I should of worded it better. The only ones who talked to him were; Purpl, Alise and Lauren.. And Oath questioned why he wouldn't reveal his information twice I believe it was.

Don't get so defensive guys.xD
Yeah I know Ive been inactiveish but why would I do the tactic that I mentioned scum should do at the end of a previous game? Bad wording I know but i hope you get what im saying
I find it ironic that when Cory mentions he might have evidence on someone he is killed. Only four people seemed to hardcore pressure him being; Purple, Alise, Lauren and Oath for him to reveal his evidence. Alise I already posted a case on and Purpl really hasn't said anything. I'm disappointed Cory didn't make a will containing the evidence he had just incase he died. Hm.. So obviously someone active has to be what Cory was talking about.

I never said for him to reveal his evidence, didn't you say I didn't post after the night or something? I apologize for not writing a longer thing and defense on your case on me, kind of wrapped up in my game..heh...I'll read later, also r.i.p Cory. I actually wonder who his case was on.
I personally want PurplPanda lynched, or Blu Rose, as I believe one of the two are likely to be scum. On the other hand, who do you two suspect?
I want to go back to the apparent missing shot. We still don't know how Mafia KP is determined this game, but I think it's safe to safe lynching Alice didn't cause a drop in it.

Protected players this game won't get notified they are protected, so only the protectors have that information. Personally, I think it's important for the protector to out themself along with whom they successfully protected, at least out it at the right time. It's a way to give us clears on players. And I also believe if the protector is like a one-shot protection role or something similar to where they are practically powerless now, they should just out now. I also recommend any remaining Detectives to out a guilty report right when they get it.

Of course you guys may have different ideas, so thoughts on these ideas?

Also, for the lynch, I would recommend PurplPanda due to him defending Alice and favoring a lynch on Ashtot. The only thing that throws me off of Blu Rose right now is the stolen vote event. However, I don't think it'd be unheard of if the vote stealer is a mafia role, that they'd steal a vote from a fellow scum player.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also wouldn't be against a lynch on Olive.
I personally want PurplPanda lynched, or Blu Rose, as I believe one of the two are likely to be scum. On the other hand, who do you two suspect?
The only reason I thought we should have lynched Ashtot was because his role was one use, and I didn't know Alice's role.

I want to go back to the apparent missing shot. We still don't know how Mafia KP is determined this game, but I think it's safe to safe lynching Alice didn't cause a drop in it.

Protected players this game won't get notified they are protected, so only the protectors have that information. Personally, I think it's important for the protector to out themself along with whom they successfully protected, at least out it at the right time. It's a way to give us clears on players. And I also believe if the protector is like a one-shot protection role or something similar to where they are practically powerless now, they should just out now. I also recommend any remaining Detectives to out a guilty report right when they get it.

Of course you guys may have different ideas, so thoughts on these ideas?

Also, for the lynch, I would recommend PurplPanda due to him defending Alice and favoring a lynch on Ashtot. The only thing that throws me off of Blu Rose right now is the stolen vote event. However, I don't think it'd be unheard of if the vote stealer is a mafia role, that they'd steal a vote from a fellow scum player.
I did not favor a lynch on Ashtot. That was me posting my thoughts; I didn't even vote for either.
The only reason I thought we should have lynched Ashtot was because his role was one use, and I didn't know Alice's role.

That's honestly the most scummy thing ever. "Let's just lynch Ashtot cause his role is done now. He's worthless. Alice is better to keep around because she could be green, blue, or red. Guess we won't know, though!"
I personally want PurplPanda lynched, or Blu Rose, as I believe one of the two are likely to be scum. On the other hand, who do you two suspect?

I back the lynch on blue rose, as said in my post earlier about blue and purpl

- - - Post Merge - - -

He actively tried to get votes on you, yes, but PurplPanda and Olive showed resistance in voting Alice and would rather vote you.
When did i show resistance?
The only reason I thought we should have lynched Ashtot was because his role was one use, and I didn't know Alice's role.

But that's a great reason for scum to try and steer votes away from their scummate - by hoping to get people to feel too unsure of Alice's role and instead just vote for Ashtot, even though he was confirmed town. That, in my opinion, is very scummy.

And like I've already stated, I find it really fishy you and Blu Rose both showed hesitance to vote Alice and preferred voting someone nearly confirmed town.
I find it ironic that when Cory mentions he might have evidence on someone he is killed. Only four people seemed to hardcore pressure him being; Purple, Alise, Lauren and Oath for him to reveal his evidence. Alise I already posted a case on and Purpl really hasn't said anything. I'm disappointed Cory didn't make a will containing the evidence he had just incase he died. Hm.. So obviously someone active has to be what Cory was talking about.

Not that ironic if he was about to reveal something about someone. Sounds intentional...
I think this is probably what got Cory killed. I'm not really sure who "that person" is supposed to be, but he was originally quoting Lauren and Lauren had quoted Purpl and Blu Rose.

That kind of makes me a little suspicious of Purpl and Blu Rose then, since he was responding to Lauren saying something in the first one, and me in the second.
How many votes do we need to lynch? Do people who can't vote count towards this?