Pls ******* HELP


Sep 11, 2015
Red Tulip
White Tulip
Okay I REALLY wanna do digital art, but I ****ing SUCK at it. The lines are always too shaky, and I can barely to smooth curves. Even when I make a SLIGHTLY okay piece, it's just a traced over version of a traditional. I can barely even start to draw a picture digitally. Btw, I do manga. So.. yeah. Today was the first time I tried digital art on a computer, I used FireAlpaca. Could barely do anything.. Before, I had been using my ipad without even a stylus. Lost it when I moved. So.. PLEASE HELP!!!
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Its really practice. You won't get really good at anything unless you put some serious time and effort in.

Digital art is something that takes a while so you can develop a style, better grip, softer strokes, and stuff that can't really be taught.
Also try watching a lot of videos and reading articles on anatomy, color, the golden ration/proportions, etc.

It'll take a couple months - years even - to get as good as most the people you see in this community, or just in art in general.
Can I see some examples of your art? Maybe I can then help you better. :)
Try using the correction tool, it's extremely useful for shaky lines.
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this is a really generic answer, but just practice - that genuinely will help you improve. what i like to do us look up artists with a similar art style as mine and study what they do and compare it to what my current art is like to see what i need to improve on and get inspiration. try not to rush into digital art, it's best to practice traditionally imo. as for the shaky lines, i'm assuming it's because firealpaca doesn't have a stabilizer. i suggest switching to an art program with a stabilizer to make it easier, that's what i had since the beginning. paint tool sai is your best choice, but there are some free programs with stabilizers as well. i used to use pixia a couple years ago and i recall it has one, so maybe give that a shot?
calm down first of all xD
as everyone else said - it takes time and practice. It will most likely be a few years before you get pretty decent at it so if you're really serious about it then practice! It's not only practice but studying as well - such as watching tutorials or learning about composition and anatomy.

Paint tool sai has a stabilizer but it still takes time to get used to the different pens/layering stuff.
Well you gave up as soon as you started. I guess you were expecting a master piece within seconds, huh? The main key to getting better at anything is practice. You practice to improve-which is what you need to get better ofc. Don't downgrade yourself with time or feeling discourage base off others art pieces. Create a visual drive and you'll get far. Also please don't have the motivation be "If I get a little better I'll go on tbt to get a price to sell my doodles" no.
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Yup, everyone else is right. You gotta practice :) I know it sounds soon tiring, but practice. EVERY. DAY. I do an art piece everyday, you can even challenge yourself by focusing on 1 thing per art piece.(Anatomy on Mondays, Shading on Tuesdays, Coloring on Wednesdays, etc.) Also, I've never used FireAlpaca (I use GIMP) but I believe there is a smooth stroke tool? Just put in on highest setting and slowly lower it once you can maintain a steady hand. Also, take breaks when you work! A good art piece doesn't mean you have to sit down for 3 hours! Pace yourself, every 30 minutes you should give your eyes a 5 minute break. (No reading, computer screens, 3Ds, etc.) And don't trace! I know it's tempting, but just try to copy the art by looking at it. This is what an artist has to do:measure lines, feel the curves of the picture. When you trace,(IF you trace) you don't get to learn.
Sorry for the long post, and good luck!~
pretty much practice. hah, there's no better way of improving as far as I know.
you'll hate your art for a while. Then you'll love it for a bit, then you'll hate it again.
It's all part of being an artist :]
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my sister got a tablet like 2 years ago and i borrowed it to try it out and it was sOOOO O Ohard. but i've practiced a bit and now i can do okay-ish lineart. you just have to practice. try different ways of holding the pen, focus on drawing quick lines (less shaky, ctrl+z if you aren't happy w the line), and be prepared to not like it for a while ;;

also i guess this is obvious but sketch then lineart. it is wayy too hard to make fancy lines if you don't have a sketch or at least a general idea under lmao and your proportions will be way off and make it look worse
could you show some examples so we can give you specific tips? ^^