IceZtar said:
So...what are the prizes or is there none?
Well seeing as I've got no money(spent it all Phil xD) or good items atm no.
If someone wants to donate some prizes that would be nice.
[quote="]i can donate prize money and items[/quote]Ok.
Later I will tell you who won and you could drop the items off at their town?

Event has been postponed until tomorrow.
I have started to feel quite sick and Ive got a thumping headache :X
Once again sorry I cannot do the event, my mum and dad have started to watch TV too. T_T
Im so Lucky.
July 10 I had a Sleepover with my friends then July 11 I spent basiclly the whole day with them so Im super lucky the Event Postponed xD
To all people who are using my new signature: The size of the signature was over the limit and it will delete your signature because of it. I have made an updated version of the signature that does not go over the limit:
im back from vacation!

Edit: So that means i can join an event now, if its delayed!