every monday and friday sounds good :)
just keep me updated so i can post in the first page =)
*looking at video now*
Oh That means I have to have an event today!
I have an Idea.
After you look at video come to my town and we can do a game.
Its called Pitfall Race XD.
Me Vs You Lol
i saw the video it impressed me
and about the guitar (hack) idk if members would want it
ill post the vid in the main page
no event today
it should start this friday or next week on monday
Hey Joe.
Do you want to come to my New Event Manager Party This Saturday?
There will be 3 or 4 events, Goodie Bags, and a chance to go in the Ocean.
PM Me if you want to come.
Oh yeah I forgot to tell you I know how to get Non Hackers into the Ocean.
If you want to come in the Ocean come to my town now Phil =]
[quote="]i need to hire someone to help
water my flowers
[/quote]any TEG takers? or i will ask in the gate