MasterM64 said:
I'm planning to do The Epona Group MKWii Tournament on Saturday this weekend at 8:00 PM EST(Eastern Standard Time)- USA! The winner will recieve a Mario Kart on City Folk, a Special Color code until the next event, and you'll get archived in a Usergroup on TEGF to show that your a winner! Please send me your MK FCs to me by PM and i'll exchange mine to you! I'm waiting to see who can come!
they are supposed to be sending their fcs to me.
i already have a couple.
Yeah fine do events at midnight for me ;-; .
8pm EST = 12pm GMT
I would of come to the party but it was at 1am XD .
kalinn said:
MasterM64 said:
I'm planning to do The Epona Group MKWii Tournament on Saturday this weekend at 8:00 PM EST(Eastern Standard Time)- USA! The winner will recieve a Mario Kart on City Folk, a Special Color code until the next event, and you'll get archived in a Usergroup on TEGF to show that your a winner! Please send me your MK FCs to me by PM and i'll exchange mine to you! I'm waiting to see who can come!
they are supposed to be sending their fcs to me.
i already have a couple.
Oh right sorry, just keep gathering FCs and once you have enough by this Thursday just send them to me. While your at it, please tell them my FC because i'm going to be the host.
dude, ill be lucky if i can make that tournament. we didn't get to st. louis yesterday till about 7:30 - 8:00pm!

anyways, i went to the arch, it's awesome!
Oh me forgot its an event today. =O
Anyone who wants to have a few events come to my town =D
I mean JORDAN Come to my Town!
And whoever else XD
PurelyYoshi said:
Oh me forgot its an event today. =O
Anyone who wants to have a few events come to my town =D
I mean JORDAN Come to my Town!
And whoever else XD
What event? I haven't heard a word til now. I'm doing the NEXT event this weekend on MKwii at 8:00 PM EST(Eastern Standard Time)-USA. You should be cordinating an event before you do it. You should be giving some time to gather and exchanging FCs to people that want to come and you should be promoting it and annoucing it when its going to happen.
MasterM64 said:
PurelyYoshi said:
Oh me forgot its an event today. =O
Anyone who wants to have a few events come to my town =D
I mean JORDAN Come to my Town!
And whoever else XD
What event? I haven't heard a word til now. I'm doing the NEXT event this weekend on MKwii at 8:00 PM EST(Eastern Standard Time)-USA. You should be cordinating an event before you do it. You should be giving some time to gather and exchanging FCs to people that want to come and you should be promoting it and annoucing it when its going to happen.
did you tell him you were doing an event?

@ yoshi.......ur forgettin about ur job and missing events :/
not good :(
kalinn said:
hrmph... =/
i guess ill have to do things myself
ill do the events myself after this tournament is done ill wait a week
so i can have things ready.....
hey there joe
well g2g guys
ill be back later
im goin to start working on events on my town
ill give u further notice
i promise ill make events on wends and sats
ill update later
bye teg
Good night Phil. The MK Tournament is this Saturday at 8:00 PM EST(Eastern Standard time)-USA. Contact Kalinn that you want to come and you must give her your FC so it i'll recieve it and she'll you my FC.