Lol do you both live in Texas right? im only sure about J-Chan.Super_jordan said:>=3PurelyYoshi said:Oh yeah Rafren me and Jordan BFFL and are awsumness >=)
Lol do you both live in Texas right? im only sure about J-Chan.Super_jordan said:>=3PurelyYoshi said:Oh yeah Rafren me and Jordan BFFL and are awsumness >=)
yeah thats why i added two times cause not only did i think of the ones in the U.S region but also the Europe region.IceZtar said:Ok I can make it to the 12pm one as its only 5pm GMT time here.
Cant make the 5pm definately XD .
welcomeashwee said:woooo
now we can really get things done hehe
me and philly stayed up last night listing events and stuff
we have enough accf events planned for like at least 10 weeks so yeah its looking good =)
hopefully i can be at majority of the events to help out
thanks for having me join in on the fun =)
yeah i already added the time on the main topicMasterM64 said:*Repeat*
I'll be doing the MK Tournament this saturday at 8:00 PM EST(Eastern Standard Time)-USA.
PM Kalinn your FC so she'll submit them to me and you should recieve my FC as a reply but, if you don't, look in my sig and my MK card should be below my Brawl Card with My FC on it.
idk maybe when she has all of themMasterM64 said:Ok cool, when will kalinn send me ALL the FCs?
yeah ill ask herMasterM64 said:I would like to have the FCs this Friday because i need sometime to prepare the event so can kalinn give me the FCs this friday?
Try to work it out so you can come because i would like to have a lot of competitionn on the MK Tournament. Just PM me that you can come or not by this friday so i'll 100% know.IceZtar said:Just to tell you I cant make it to the MK WII because its like midnight my time XD .
i wont be attending to Mk WiiMasterM64 said:Try to work it out so you can come because i would like to have a lot of competitionn on the MK Tournament. Just PM me that you can come or not by this friday so i'll 100% know.IceZtar said:Just to tell you I cant make it to the MK WII because its like midnight my time XD .
Yeah I'll tell my parents and ask if I can come at midnight.MasterM64 said:Try to work it out so you can come because i would like to have a lot of competitionn on the MK Tournament. Just PM me that you can come or not by this friday so i'll 100% know.IceZtar said:Just to tell you I cant make it to the MK WII because its like midnight my time XD .
ill tell her when she gets backMasterM64 said:Have you told Ashwee the URL to the Forums Phil?