📷 Pocket Camp Screenshots

My campsite is all ready for Halloween to Christmas :] I'm so in love with all these new halloween items


ahh I didnt know this thread exists! neat :lemon:




I really wish I could afford LTs but alas the currency exchange isn't kind to me ;A;

witchy little pumpkin patch, the other half of my camp is still my little mushroom soup dining room.
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Nice that my villagers at my campsite know when my birthday is. I was surprised when I talked to some of them then I decided to talk to everyone there.​
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Gather 'round, children, and I'll tell you a tragic tale told several days too late.

I was hired by Farmer Bob to transform part of his cornfield into a pumpkin patch. The only restriction, he told me, was that I must not touch the old, dead tree in the center of the field, lest I unleash a terrible curse. I finished the field, but the tree spoiled the effect I was going for, so I ignored Farmer Bob's warning:


All seemed well until the clock struck midnight on All Hallows' Eve. A dense fog descended upon the fields. When they cleared, I saw--to my horror--that Farmer Bob's worst fears had come to pass. The forests had been turned into a graveyard of the dead. The gourds had become jack-o'-lanterns of the most sinister bearing. And the tree had undergone the most devilish transformation of them all, becoming a smiling gateway to a nether realm of madness and despair.


When Farmer Bob saw my handiwork, I was fired on the spot.

But, I needed the money, so I returned the next day in disguise and Farmer Bob hired me to undo the curse. I went with a circus theme:


The end.

By the way, I had dismantled the original pumpkin patch before taking my video, so I had to recreate it. I forgot to stock it with farm animals, so the circus animals had to act as stand-ins.

And now that that foolishness is finished, here's me and Sophie looking cute. :blush:

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Not gonna lie, I jumped out of my skin when I whipped this monster out of sea!!

Don't really know how I'm going to get rid of all these cute essences and running seriously low on crafting materials, argh!


Here's an updated inside camper view, but thinking of moving my cafe theme to the cabin instead.

Completed another gardening event thanks to my friends who so generously shared bugs!


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