Pocket Necessities?

I usually have all my tools plus an Umbrealla and Wetsuit that currently matches my character's current clothes. Whenever I collect fruit or something of the like I tend to temporarily put it all away in a locker or drop it on the ground if I am in my town alone.
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I keep all of the tools I usually use (Shovel, watering can, net, fishing rod, ect.) on the left side of my pocket menu, and the rest of the space is just for anything i can get my hands on lol :)
All my tools. They should make a 'tool pocket' exclusively for our tools in the next series so it doesn't take up space. 16 slots isn't enough x-x
okay i thought this thread was talking about like pants pockets and i was like whyy are people keeping tools in their pockets?? and i was extremely confused but anyhow i keep tools in my pockets! :)
I carry my rod, net, shovel, and watering can on me, with sling shot, axe, wet suit, and random fun items in my mail ��
i constantly run out of space because i carry around all my tools except the axe plus a wet suit. >_> i hate running back and forth to my house/locker, so.
Until recently I always carried my watering can, net, rod, shovel and slingshot with me in my pockets. Now I have decided to keep the can, shovel and slingshot where they were and move the net and rod to my mail. Wetsuit, axe and what not are always in my locker. Saves some space to hold other stuff like flowers .w.
I always have a shovel, bug catching net, and fishing rod in my inventory. The slingshot, watering can, and axe are alway in my mail slots. :)
I have 4 characters in town, and they all have the same stuff in their pocket in the same order. The only difference is the mayor has gold tools and the others have silver, and also the mayor carries a watering can, but the others don't.

I store it all in my letters. For the letters, I keep the favorite ones that villagers sent me, so I have some that are really old, from villagers that left a long time ago, and this way, I can still keep them in my mind (it makes me feel less guilty about letting them go lol).

This is the order for the mayor:

watering can
wet suit
fishing pole

I also saved an open time capsule that I didn't burry. I saved it because I'm a hoarder and because I wanted it for my collection. It's dumb because it takes up a slot, can't store anything by attaching it to it, and then if I have a lot of mail, I can only get the mail 3 at a time. But I deal with it, cuz I've had it all like this for a long time, and I'm really used to my system. I also like having my 16 open slots in my pocket all the time, so I won't be changing my system ever.
Shovel and watering can.

I keep my wetsuit on the beach (with a snorkel mask) for dreamers, so it's handy for me too.

I keep my net and rod in the first drawer of storage so they are easy to find if I want to collect items.

My slingshot is somewhere, I rarely pop balloons. I should to get the silver and gold badges.

My megaphone is usually on a bridge for all characters to use. In case of Saharah, who hides. I pick it up before updating my dream town. Which I need to do this week. But I had last updated during the aurora borealis (sp?) so I'm sad to let that go.
3 things I always carry are Fishing rod, net, and shovel. I store a wetsuit in my letters.
Tools: watering can, shovel, net, fishing rod. Lately I've also been carrying my axe a lot, because of landscaping. The wetsuit, megaphone and slingshot I only take with me when I specifically need them.
mainly just my tools I like to have them on hand whenever I need them.

I kinda wish tools had their own separate inventory
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I carry my watering can, so in my pocket I keep my shovel and axe. (Other tools, megaphone, and a different hat are in my mail slots) My secondary doesn't have a watering can, so he usually caries his axe. In my second town, it was the same as my main town mayor.