Here's some of the thoughts I had on the matter of the podcast;
There needs to be 2/3 main hosts, that way if someone needs to step out one week, there's enough to cover for it. With that have each host record maybe, or at least have it so each of the hosts are able to record incase one is unavailable.
Guests are fine, just not for the first few episodes. Get the podcast established, know that people are listening to it and are interested. And even then have guests sparingly.
For topics of the podcast, things going on within TBT obviously, gaming news and release dates perhaps. What the hosts/guests are currently playing/listening to etc, even going as far to use Pally's interviews (if she'd be okay with it). Things that are relevant to everyone. World news, sports etc. can be touched on. As long as there is structure to everything, I don't see a problem with it. Length of the podcast would change with each time.
I feel that it should take place on skype and then recorded from there.
One thing that could be done is, record it one night while having it livestreamed if that's really what people want, and edit it for sometime later in the week, which would then be the day the podcast normally comes out. This then means that it's organised and that it's worked towards a schedule.
Personally, I think that the livestream thing could be for special episodes/events going on because again know that people are interested in it before devoting so much time to it.
As for hosting it online, as in the actual podcast to download. I believe Jeremy had somewhere which the first was held. No idea if that's still going. But to have it uploaded somewhere, rather than listening to it on someone's youtube, vimeo or livestream doesn't feel right to me.
Anyway, that's all for now.
TL;DR Set hosts, topics, Skype and Downloads.
Edit: To elaborate on what I mean by main hosts, they would be the "Podcast staff" so to speak. They would need to be comfortable speakers, by themselves and with the other hosts. They'd need to be able to record, edit the podcast proficiently to a high standard. Again, if there's not a whole lot of interest or people aren't taking the time to listen to it.. there's no point doing it.
They would need to come up with the topics that would be talked about in that episode.
I see this as being something close to the other applications that TBT had for the different staff positions... let's just hope it doesn't take Jer as long with this as it has with the Shop managers. ;D