
One day I saw a shark
In a pool at the park
I was scared
But I didn't care
His name was Mark!!!!

o_O I wrote that as I went.....xP
Bacon Boy said:
I might get reported though... never mind, if you want it, I'll pm them to you. Until then, watch this: http://www.youtube.com/v/bXHqoPHZCUM&feature=channel
Why the hell did I just watch that? o_O
LAWL it was cute xD
Bacon Boy said:
uh, i have some, but they have some religious stuff in them and someone coughstormcommandercough won't let me do that. And my poem got excellent reviews.
PM it to me.
....fine! I'll make another one from thin air! D:

Listen now cry
You want to reach the sky?
First contact me
And you will receive
The wings to fly!

...that was fast xD
coffeebean! said:
....fine! I'll make another one from thin air! D:

Listen now cry
You want to reach the sky?
First contact me
And you will receive
The wings to fly!

...that was fast xD
lol coffeh me wantz wingz naoz XD NICE. u have most poems here lol
Yah...I know. IT'S FUN!
Here's another I'm making from thin air

I used to think
I was a freak
till I came online
and it was all mine

Four Times Slowly
Three Times Fast
I think I can run
But I'm just not fast

I cannot
or Fly

I don't even think
I'll be fast enough
To suffice

Try the meaning in that one. See what you get.
I suck at poetry. >_> I prefer haiku, anyways. I guess that's just another kind of poetry, but whatever. =P
All types of poetry are welcome! Just ask master of limericks, coffeh lol
You and me
In a house
By the tree
The big Oak Tree you love
Just you and me

Our favorite spot
for vacationing
We're together, alone
just you and me

We're in love, you see
Just you and me
The others, they don't see
The love we see

The years have gone by
Though I have not proposed
I know it is foolish
Because our love grows

We're back at the house
Just you and me
Our favorite spot
for vacationing

I pull out a ring
With your birthstone
And say those words
You long to hear

We walk down the isle
Just you and Me
Ready to marry
In holy matrimony

We live in the city
You, me, and the kids
You have your job
And I have mine

The time goes on
And our love stays strong
You, me, and the kids
Living happily along

The years continue
We are old now, in age
We sit in our house in the city
Still lively and free

We're at your grave
The kids and Me
Talking about love
and you and me

I sit alone now
The kids are all gone
I miss you, you know
So I write this song

I think about you
Every day
and remember that we'll always have
the house by the old tree.

Falling is Easier
And Climbing is harder
But you learn from the hard
And suffer from the easy
I think BB is just too wise for us all he made my suckish daisy poem look...more suckish lmao!