Mayor Name: Jerry
Town Name: Blanco
Best Friend (optional):
Personality (optional):
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Hat/Hair Accessory: Sailor's Hat
Face Accessory: Ballroom mask
Shirt/Dress: white tuxedo jacket
Pants: white formal pants
Shoes:white leather shoes
Picture of Mayor:
Alternate Outfits (optional):
Character Art (please provide links & original credit, optional):
Font Color(s): red
Background: a simple blue background
Shape: square
Add Shadows?: no
Size: umm... Medium
Anything else?: I was looking at this shop the other day and decided that I wanted a reference sheet. Also you have your first customer since... Forever. I hope I filled the form right. By the way, it's raining over here so I might have to pay tomorrow since the Internet could cut off anytime. Let me know if there's anything wrong. Thank you

I'll pay IGB if that's not a problem.