Pokemon: Adventures in Sinnoh! (Pokemon Role Play)

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Once again, off by 10 degrees. Only it hit me. I pressed the button to recall Starly, then I was knocked out cold.
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One brat down, two more to go...
I decided to go for the one with the growlithe, since the other one didn't seem to be doing much.
"Pachirisu, Spark on that bush!" I shouted, pointing to where the brat was hiding.
"Currently battling these brats who are resisting. I have already taken one out, in the process of battling another."
I jump out of the bushes. "Since she has a Pachirisu...Geodude, go out and use Magnitude!" Geodude used Magnitude. Magnitude 7!
Argh, A ground move! Magnitude seriously damaged pachirisu. "Rollout!"

"Sorry, I am unfamiliar with that policy, could you remind me of what it is?"
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Mars was laughing hard. In fact, I had to cover the mic to save embarrassment.

"Ten Four Zero, please give detail of the overall performance of the position. Who is part of the resistance?"
Little damage is done to Geodude. "Use Mud Sport!" Geodude does that, making it's Ground moves stronger.
I could head commander mars laughing through the microphone. Urgh, I wish he'd shut up...
"I'm not sure who they are exactly, just three children that came from the pokemon center. Two boys and a girl."

"Pachirisu, Bite!"
"A young nerdy boy with glasses, as far as I know only has a starly, a small girl who seems to be very lazy, hasn't really done much, and another boy around the same age as the first, who has a growlithe and a geodude. Though I can't see much of him from up here, because he's still hiding in a bush..."
A quarter of Geodude's health is gone. "Now use Magnitude again!" Magnitude 8!

- - -Post Merge- - -

"Ugh, this is getting tiresome...I'm just gonna go weaken that other brat that hasn't battled Team Galactic yet." I reappear next to the girl (Petal?). "When I beat you, tears will be rolling out of your eyes like honey dripping from a pot!" Murkrow is then sent out.
"Interesting..." I cupped my hand over the mic.

"No, I wanted buttercream, not chocolate for my morning donut!"
I woke up, disoriented and confused. I moved back inside the Pokemon Center for safety.
Um, maybe I'll just pretend I didn't hear that...

Uh oh, Pachirisu is getting dangerously low... Maybe I should have switched out earlier...

So I switched out to the only pokemon I caught on the way here.
"Pachirisu, return. Go Budew!"
Pachirisu climbed up the building and clung to my arm again.
Uh-oh...we're at a disadvantage here...Good thing I bought that TM this morning and got rid of Rock Polish to get Substitute... "Geodude, Substitute!" Geodude risks some of it's HP to create a Decoy of itself.

- - -Post Merge- - -

"Murkrow, use Faint Attack!" Murkrow uses Faint Attack.
I uncupped my hand. "Yes, thank you, now let's get it right next time! Mars also wants a sesame bagel, extra cream cheese. Oh, uh... sorry there. Ten Four One (Devious), status?"
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