One brat down, two more to go...
I decided to go for the one with the growlithe, since the other one didn't seem to be doing much.
"Pachirisu, Spark on that bush!" I shouted, pointing to where the brat was hiding.
I could head commander mars laughing through the microphone. Urgh, I wish he'd shut up...
"I'm not sure who they are exactly, just three children that came from the pokemon center. Two boys and a girl."
"A young nerdy boy with glasses, as far as I know only has a starly, a small girl who seems to be very lazy, hasn't really done much, and another boy around the same age as the first, who has a growlithe and a geodude. Though I can't see much of him from up here, because he's still hiding in a bush..."
A quarter of Geodude's health is gone. "Now use Magnitude again!" Magnitude 8!
- - -Post Merge- - -
"Ugh, this is getting tiresome...I'm just gonna go weaken that other brat that hasn't battled Team Galactic yet." I reappear next to the girl (Petal?). "When I beat you, tears will be rolling out of your eyes like honey dripping from a pot!" Murkrow is then sent out.
Uh oh, Pachirisu is getting dangerously low... Maybe I should have switched out earlier...
So I switched out to the only pokemon I caught on the way here.
"Pachirisu, return. Go Budew!"
Pachirisu climbed up the building and clung to my arm again.
Uh-oh...we're at a disadvantage here...Good thing I bought that TM this morning and got rid of Rock Polish to get Substitute... "Geodude, Substitute!" Geodude risks some of it's HP to create a Decoy of itself.
- - -Post Merge- - -
"Murkrow, use Faint Attack!" Murkrow uses Faint Attack.
I uncupped my hand. "Yes, thank you, now let's get it right next time! Mars also wants a sesame bagel, extra cream cheese. Oh, uh... sorry there. Ten Four One (Devious), status?"