Pokemon Challenge for a million dollars?

. Rarity .

Seventeen 🌌💎
Oct 14, 2020
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
I made this post in the *Million Dollars But* thread, but I'm genuinely curious if anyone would ever actually do this for a million xD

You must become a Pokémon Master by fully completing, and winning every single Pokemon game there ever was. This includes the mobile, remakes, spin offs, and the retro ones. So ones like *Hey you Pikachu, mystery dungeon, gale of darkness, the Pokeparks, shuffle, cafe, ect are included.

-All licensed mobile games also must be fully completed.

-Both let's go Eevee and Pikachu must be completed (because its pika and eevee lol) you can't do one or the other.

-Other versions of the same game can be picked (Like if you play Black, you don't have to play white).

-You gotta play both the original and remake of a game, not one or the other.

Every single Pokemon game ever made, you must complete them.

If you don't have the console then one will be given to you, along with all the Pokémon games ever made. For Mobile games there will be no freemium features but you still have to complete them. You don't have to fully complete Pokemon Go.

Then you get your million 👌 Easy peasy right? Have fun completing Magicarp Jump!
Would you give this a go?
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I would freaking do my best to try! A million dollars and then I'd never have to work again haha! It would be tiresome to binge this though, but like I said, I'd totally try it out!
Homie I'd do this for free.

I have a few questions though. Complete meaning what exactly? For mainline games is this beating the champion? Beating the post-game? Finishing the dex? 100%ing (getting every item, every pokemon battling every trainer)
How are battle facilities factored in? Especially ones that are infinite or near infinite but require a *lot* of battles to get the "final reward"

What about mobile games, like live service ones like Masters and Cafe Remix? Masters isn't even done with all of its story yet and I'm assuming Cafe Remix comes out with more levels as time goes on.

The Pokeparks too. I don't entirely know how those games work because I've never played them but im assuming they have a story line. Must I also complete every challenge with every 'mon available?

If i do have to complete pokedexes, will pokemon from versions i am not playing (say i chose Black instead of White) not count, or do i gotta pull out a second DS and trade em, or will they be provided to me?

Again like I'd totally do this for free, I'm just working out the logistics here.
I would probably try and then get so burnt out that I would never touch a Pokemon game again lol. This would definitely take me a while but maybe it would be fun. I’m sure for the mainline games and remakes it would be fun, but once I start getting into the random spin-offs it would kind of suck since I don’t expect 60% of them to be that good, so I would probably do one mainline game, then have a few spin-offs in between. This would be a great YouTube video idea though. The only issue would be if I have the time to do this.
Homie I'd do this for free.

I have a few questions though. Complete meaning what exactly? For mainline games is this beating the champion? Beating the post-game? Finishing the dex? 100%ing (getting every item, every pokemon battling every trainer)
How are battle facilities factored in? Especially ones that are infinite or near infinite but require a *lot* of battles to get the "final reward"

What about mobile games, like live service ones like Masters and Cafe Remix? Masters isn't even done with all of its story yet and I'm assuming Cafe Remix comes out with more levels as time goes on.

The Pokeparks too. I don't entirely know how those games work because I've never played them but im assuming they have a story line. Must I also complete every challenge with every 'mon available?

If i do have to complete pokedexes, will pokemon from versions i am not playing (say i chose Black instead of White) not count, or do i gotta pull out a second DS and trade em, or will they be provided to me?

Again like I'd totally do this for free, I'm just working out the logistics here.
Hmm, lemme see if I can make something solid
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