Pokemon DP Discussion


Senior Member
Oct 6, 2005
Well, only 3 weeks until this game comes out. I'm so excited becaues I've been so bored lately and that'll give me something to do, especially once I beat the game and train all my Pokemon, there's the online stuff to do.

So has anyone not seen http://serebii.net That site has everything you need to know about the upcoming Pokemon games.
Ah, yes. It's gonna' be awesome! I can remember saying "3 months 'till DP"...

And now, only 3 weeks. Excellent. Time sure flies by...

The new legendaries look pretty cool. There's Dialga/Palkia, the 3 psychic people, Cresslia, the volcano guy, the ghost dragon guy, and Regigigas.Those are the onse that come with the game. Manafy/Phione, Shaymin, Darkrai, and Arceus are event pokemon.
Super_Naruto said:
The new legendaries look pretty cool. There's Dialga/Palkia, the 3 psychic people, Cresslia, the volcano guy, the ghost dragon guy, and I think that's it for the ones that come with the game. Manafy/Phione, Shaymin, Darkrai, and Arceus are event pokemon.
Is Arceus the God of all Pokemon?

I forget where I read about that...
Super_Naruto said:
Yes, supposedley, but I bet Mewtwo would pwn him! Even though he can change into any type....
Nah, Gengar could pwn all of them.

Crap, I can't stop thinking about getting Diamond =D. During school every second I'm thinking "OMG POKEMON DIAMOND 3 WEEKS"
Super_Naruto said:
Crap, I can't stop thinking about getting Diamond =D. During school every second I'm thinking "OMG POKEMON DIAMOND 3 WEEKS"
Same here.

I hate, and love the times like this, when an amazing game is only weeks away from coming out. Its like, I know its only weeks away, so I'm happy...but then again, I want it to be out NOW.

Yeah everytime I wasn't doing like work in class I would be thinking about it. OMG IM THINKING ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW! I need Diamond!
Super_Naruto said:
Yeah everytime I wasn't doing like work in class I would be thinking about it. OMG IM THINKING ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW! I need Diamond!
Do you happen to know how many days excactly until its release? I want to keep track in my sig again..

Otherwise, I'll find out in a second...

I was keeping track in my sig if you remember...but then I didn't come to TBT for a day or two, and got all confuzed.

Most of the new Pokemon are stupid.
There's too many Legendaries. The reason I hate Legendaries, is that they're not hard to get in the slightest. Using them requires no skill, at all.
dragonflamez said:
Most of the new Pokemon are stupid.
There's too many Legendaries. The reason I hate Legendaries, is that they're not hard to get in the slightest. Using them requires no skill, at all.
I agree.

Legendaries are cheap. Thats why I don't have any.
It comes out Sunday the 22nd. Today is Monday the 2nd.

I've seen all that. SL, Palkia looks messed up especially since it's pink >.<. Dialga looks pretty cool and diamonds sounds less femine than pearl (even though diamonds are most female's best friends)
Super_Naruto said:
I've seen all that. SL, Palkia looks messed up especially since it's pink >.<. Dialga looks pretty cool and diamonds sounds less femine than pearl (even though diamonds are most female's best friends)
Yeah, the legendaries are fun and all, but I hate them...

As I've said before, legendaries are cheap.

Sure I'll catch Dialga, but I won't be keeping him. :no: